The Best Menopause Supplements

If you're here looking for the best menopause supplements you are likely going through the hormonal chaos that can take place during the years of perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause. I've been there myself and so have hundreds of my clients over the years. 

Let me preface my recommendations by saying that I am not a doctor but I have been where you are and I have spent years researching.

In my 18 years of working with women, the standard response from doctors seems to be either telling women it's all in their head, telling them the only option is artificial hormone therapy, and if they persist with questions, sending them out the door with a prescription for and anti-depressant and a sleeping pill.  

If you are interested in more natural supplements to support your changing body please read on for my top 10 recommendations.

best menopause supplements

Remember that you are the expert on you.

Hey there, lovely ladies over 40! I want to chat with you about the supplement craze that's been happening in the natural health community. It's hard to know what the best menopause supplements are for you, especially considering your unique lifestyle choices, body chemistry, and personal situation, not to mention any health issues you may have.

While supplements aren't a magic cure for all of your hormonal imbalances, they can certainly help you work towards a healthier lifestyle. But, it's important to note that supplements can't replace a healthy diet, stress management, quality sleep, and minimizing your exposure to toxins.

However, if you're already working on improving your foundational health and reducing your stress levels, some supplements could be a great addition to your personal healthcare plan. Just remember, it's all about finding what works for you and your body.

Let’s take a look at the best and most well researched supplements  available for various types of hormonal support and the ones that I take and recommend to my clients:


Ladies, have you heard of DIM? It's a supplement that's naturally found in cruciferous vegetables and it has some amazing potential benefits. Research has shown that DIM can help increase the production of healthy estrogen while reducing the bad kind. Plus, as a phytonutrient and antioxidant, it has been linked to preventing several types of cancer, including breast and cervical cancers that are influenced by estrogen and estrogen dominance.

While eating your green veggies is always a good idea, it's nearly impossible to consume the amount of cruciferous vegetables needed to get enough DIM. That's where supplements come in handy!

DIM can help alleviate PMS symptoms and support hormonal changes during perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause. It can also promote a healthy metabolism, balance estrogen and testosterone levels, aid adrenal function, and reduce chronic inflammation. Sounds pretty great, right?

This is the one that I've used for the last year with great success!

adaptogen herbs


Have you heard of Vitex, also known as the chaste berry? It's a small red berry that typically grows in the Mediterranean and it's highly valued for its ability to support hormonal activity. In fact, it's been used in nontraditional medicine in Germany for years to address PMS symptoms and menstrual issues.

While we're not exactly sure how it works, Vitex is very popular in natural medicine for fertility issues due to low progesterone because it really does work, and quite well! It's thought to affect the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland, which helps to balance levels of prolactin and influence several neurotransmitters in the body.

In addition to its fertility benefits, Vitex is also useful for supporting symptoms of perimenopause and postmenopause, as well as balancing emotional issues. Many women have found success in combining it with Black Cohosh. So if you're looking for a natural way to support your hormonal health, Vitex may be worth considering!  Here are my recommendations.


Did you know that there's an herb that's been used in Native American natural healing to support a variety of health issues, especially those related to the female reproductive system and childbirth? This amazing herb is technically classified as a phytoestrogen, but it doesn't affect the body in the same way that other phytoestrogens do. That's why it's so popular as a women's supplement for perimenopause and menopause.

In fact, in Germany, this herb has been marketed under the brand name Remifemin since the 1940s, and it's been found to be a helpful supplement for women dealing with PMS or menopause. It influences serotonin receptors, which can ease hot flashes and regulate hormones. However, it's important to use it with caution since it's only recommended for up to 6 months at a time to prevent potential side effects. So if you're looking for a natural way to support your hormonal health, this herb might be worth considering!



Magnesium is a vital mineral that our body requires for a multitude of functions. If we lack this mineral, we can be at risk for a variety of conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, type-II diabetes, osteoporosis, and migraines.

Additionally, magnesium plays a role in depression, libido, and fertility. It also supports the HPA axis by maintaining healthy cortisol levels and protecting our body from toxins and free radicals. This helps increase libido and promote fertility, leading to a healthy reproductive system free from chronic stress.

Magnesium is also essential for proper insulin levels, glucose balance, energy levels, cholesterol use, digestion, and other critical functions. It can also help alleviate symptoms of reproductive imbalances like PMS.

Although magnesium can be found in many foods, most people are deficient in it and require supplementation. It's crucial to consult a trusted healthcare provider for supplementation since not all magnesium supplements are the same, and you should ensure that the form you take is bioavailable and won't cause stomach upset.

vitamin b

5) B-COMPLEX VITAMINS (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12)

As women age past 40, B-complex vitamins become essential components to maintain optimal bodily function and are one of the best menopause supplements. They play a crucial role in adrenal support, managing stress levels, and ensuring our sexual organs remain in top condition.

Thiamin (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pyridoxine (B6), Folate (B9), and Cobalamin (B12) are all critical for overall health, especially post-menopause when your sex drive may suffer. The complex formula of B vitamins helps support the body during hormonal flux, alleviating symptoms of imbalances.

Chronic stress levels can harm our reproductive systems through cortisol production, but B-complex vitamins can help correct these imbalances and keep the reproductive system functioning correctly. When seeking out B-complex vitamins, be sure to choose an activated (or methylated) form for maximum efficacy.


Rhodiola is an adaptogenic herb that can be especially beneficial for women over 40. It helps the body maintain balance during times of stress and change, which can have a negative impact on hormone levels.

By supporting the endocrine system and thyroid function, Rhodiola can reduce fatigue, increase strength, enhance mood, and improve brain function. By reducing cortisol production, Rhodiola prevents burnout and the negative effects associated with high cortisol levels, including premature aging, exhaustion, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, and thyroid issues.

Rhodiola can also balance the HPA axis, which is the communication network between the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and adrenal glands, leading to less likelihood of binge eating and a reduction in stubborn belly fat and excess weight.



Ashwagandha is a popular herb used in Ayurvedic medicine in India that can help balance the endocrine system in women over 40 and it's one of the best menopause supplements if you're stressed. It acts on the thyroid and adrenal glands to reduce stress hormones, such as epinephrine and cortisol, which can negatively impact progesterone levels.

In addition to benefiting those with hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, Ashwagandha may prevent premature aging, improve circulation, and reduce stress. This herb may also promote hormone balance by increasing blood flow to the female reproductive organs and acting as an aphrodisiac for those with low libido (sex drive).

Additionally, Ashwagandha may promote healthy sleep patterns and improve memory, which can be beneficial for women in menopause. Women in perimenopause and menopause have reported that Ashwagandha helps relieve hot flashes, depression, and anxiety associated with hormonal imbalances during this stage of life.

omega 3 supplement


Omega-3s are crucial for brain health, particularly for women over 40. However, it's difficult to get enough from our diets alone, even with the recommended two servings of fatty fish per week. In order to sustain neural function and reduce inflammation, a supplement is often necessary.

DHA is particularly important in supporting healthy brain function and strengthening the brain, while EPA helps to reduce inflammation and improve blood flow in the brain. For women recovering from traumatic brain injuries, EPA has been found to be particularly helpful. Together, these essential fatty acids ensure that vital messages are properly transmitted throughout the body.


Maca, often mistaken as an herb, is actually a tuber or root that is widely consumed in the Peruvian diet. Rich in essential vitamins and minerals, it is a staple source of protein and fiber in the Andean region.

Maca supplements have been found to support healthy reproductive function, balance hormones, and alleviate symptoms of PMS. Additionally, it has gained popularity as a natural aphrodisiac. Maca powder can be easily added to smoothies, making it a quick and convenient way to support your nutritional needs and hormonal balance. It is one of the best menopause supplements to try!



Supporting your gut health is crucial, as 90% of the body’s serotonin production occurs there. Your 25-ft.-long digestive tract serves as your "second brain," communicating with the brain and playing a vital role in nutrient absorption and waste elimination.

However, chronic stress can cause gut issues by shutting down digestion in favor of survival. One effective natural way to support the bacterial flora in your gut is through probiotics.

While you can obtain probiotics from fermented foods and drinks like kefir, a probiotic supplement is a reliable alternative. According to research, the number of strains in a probiotic supplement is more critical than the total number of bacteria. This is because different strains have unique functions and are concentrated in various parts of the digestive tract.

Probiotic supplements that contain multiple strains tend to be more effective. I recommend including L. acidophilus, B. longum, B. bifidum, and L. fermentum in your probiotic supplement.

probiotic support foods

Last consideration when looking for the best menopause supplements.

While taking supplements can be a great way to support your body's needs, it's important to listen to what your body is telling you. The best menopause supplements we've talked about in this guide can be really beneficial if they fit your individual needs, but everyone's nutritional and dietary needs are different. There may be special circumstances that dictate what supplements are best for you.

That's why it's important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplements. They can help you determine the right dosage and make sure the supplement won't conflict with any medications or health issues you may have. Remember, your health is unique to you, so always make decisions with your specific needs in mind.

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