28 Day Weight Loss Program For Women Over 40

The Little Black Dress Project 2.0 is an all-levels 4-week online weight loss program for women over 40 to help you slim down quickly, easily, and sustainably so you can see results fast and KEEP them once and for all — no crash diets or crazy rules required!

weight loss for women program

No more hiding behind your “safe” pair of stretchy pants — learn the surprisingly simple habits and mindset behind a slim, sexy, sustainable body so you can wear what you love and feel amazing doing it…

In just 4 weeks!

Be honest...

Do you crash diet right before a vacation or a special event?

Even though we know 95% of women who crash diet will gain the weight back plus more…

LBD testimonial 1

So many women get stuck in a cycle of dieting, binging, giving up, and dieting again as soon as another vacation or special event rolls around. Finding a weight loss program for women over 40 is a highly searched for term online.

For most women, the week or two before a vacation or special event is when the impossible “rules” start to come out…

Rules like:

  • Stick to 1200 calories a day
  • Workout for an hour 7 days straight
  • No desserts or treats of any kind
  • No carbs after noon
  • ​In fact, let’s not eat carbs at all!​

Sound familiar? 

The thing is, maybe you DO drop a dress size at the end of it all…

But the results never seem to stick, and a few months later, you’re back at the mercy of those impossible rules in a desperate attempt to slim down in a pinch… yet again.

LBD testimonial 2

But what if a weight loss program for women over 40 didn’t have to be that hard?

And what if instead of crash dieting to fit into that little black dress you’d love to pull back out of your donation pile…

You learn how to eat, exercise, and even grocery shop in a way that allows you to wear whatever you want, whenever you want? 

LBD testimonial 3


The Little Black Dress Project 2.0!

An all-levels 4-week weight loss for women over 40 program to help you slim down quickly, easily, and sustainably so you can see results fast and KEEP them once and for all — no crash diets or crazy rules required!

Inside, you’ll learn the not-so-secret secrets of women who are always “Little Black Dress”-ready…

And you’ll join the 100s of women who have already seen amazing results with this step-by-step, sustainable approach to lasting weight loss. 

Here’s the best part...

Once you dive into this 4-week program, you’ll be surprised at how simple it is to maintain.

In fact, you’re probably working harder now for fewer results!

That’s because The LBD Project is designed to help virtually ANYONE get results in just 4 weeks — even if you’re busy, even if you “hate to cook”, and even if you have a hard time tracking your food or counting calories (hint: we don’t do either of those things in this program!).

The program is designed this way so that you actually stick to it...

Because the ONLY way to get results and keep them isn’t just a “Little Black Dress” diet…

It’s a Little Black Dress lifestyle.

And I’ll show you exactly how to do it!

By the end of The Little Black Dress Project 2.0 weight loss program for women over 40, you will:

  • Walk away with an understanding of what to eat for real, sustainable weight loss without feeling deprived
  • Feel comfortable planning and prepping meals that support your goals AND taste amazing
  • Fall in love (or back in love!) with exercise no matter how busy you are
  • Drop inches, pounds, and body fat and keep them off
  • ​And of course, look and feel amazing in your little black dress! (And bikini… and skinny jeans… and tank top… you get the picture)
LBD 2.0 everything

Ready to see what’s inside?

success guide

Let’s take a look!

4-Week Success Manual

This 41-page manual will educate, empower, and guide you through your program. It's jam-packed with thoughtful info, tips, and ideas to help you get the best results possible!

($97 Value)

The Little Black Dress 2.0 Recipe Guide

recipe guide

There are dozens of healthy, mouthwatering recipes in the 37-page Recipe Manual that you’ll want to keep using long after the program ends! You'll find recipes for our world-famous LBD Turkey Burgers, pumpkin pancakes, 1-pan dinners, hearty salads, and a whole lot more!

($ 47 Value)

Weekly Meal Guides & Grocery Lists

weekly meal guide

You’ll get done-for-you weekly meal guides that are 100% Registered Dietician Approved. PLUS… the guides are designed so you WON’T have to spend hours in the kitchen every day preparing meals!

($47 Value)

Perfect Portions Guide

perfect portions guide

This handy resource will help you keep your portions in check as you progress through the program. This simple tool will help you stick to your goals and achieve great results without buying any fancy equipment!

($17 Value)

Daily Inspirational Emails

daily inspirational emails

On top of getting your nutrition and exercise dialed in, you’ll get 42 daily emails designed to keep you motivated and on track with your goals. These are INVALUABLE for shifting your mindset and staying focused!

($42 Value)

Measurement Worksheet

measurement worksheet

The scale doesn’t always tell the truth! Often, you’ll lose inches before you see the number on the scale move. This worksheet will help you quickly and easily track your results.

($17 Value)

Handy Dining Out Guide

dining out guide

This handy little guide will help to keep you on track with ideas for before and during dining out as well as quick at a glance healthy food swaps at your fingertips!

(Value $17)

Goal-Setting Worksheets

goal setting guide

This worksheet will help you track your progress from start to finish, and help you understand the RIGHT way to set goals for yourself so you feel like you can achieve them! 

($17 Value)

That’s a total value of more than $297!


( less than a fancy coffee a day!)


Meet Your LBD Coach!


I help women over 40 like you drop excess bodyfat and balance their hormones naturally through holistic nutrition!

Have questions about
The Little Black Dress Project 2.0?

I have answers!

 Is this program self-paced?

Absolutely - once you purchase it you can begin when you're ready!

 What if I have questions during the weight loss program for women?

I offer support though email every day!

 How is this different from other diet or exercise programs?

This is 100% completely guided and done for you - if you can follow it you will drop a dress size in a healthy and sustainable way!

 How fast do I get access after purchasing?

Immediately as it's a digital product so you can get started today!

 Do I have to buy any shakes or supplements?

No you don't - I do make personal recommendations that can help you get results faster but they are not required for this program to work!

Are there any recurring fees after I purchase this program?

Nope! It's a one time payment and all of the materials are for you to keep!

Ready to look and feel amazing in that little black dress?

Join The Little Black Dress Project 2.0 Today!



$297 VALUE!


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