How To Meal Prep

Why should you learn how to meal prep? This likely isn’t news to you, but a big part of feeling successful in your healthy eating regime is planning and preparing your meals ahead of time -- so you’re not tempted to just stop at the fast food drive-thru on your way home from work!

But, you may be thinking that it’s way too time-consuming to cook all of your meals at home. However, if you just do some planning in advance AND do at least some of the meal prep ahead of time, it can be accomplished far more easily than you think!

I know you’re busy, busy, busy and time really can feel like a luxury these days. So I’ve chopped, diced and puréed everything you need to know about MEAL PREP, including all of my best shortcuts.

Super easy make-ahead breakfast casserole recipe included too!

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    Meal Prep: The Shortcuts You Need to Know

    Adopting healthy eating habits is essential for feeling successful and achieving your health goals. However, it can be challenging to stick to your healthy eating plan, especially when you're constantly on-the-go and tempted by fast food options. One of the best ways to combat this is to plan and prepare your meals ahead of time.

    By taking the time to learn how to meal prep, you can avoid the temptation of fast food and start eating healthier, more nutrient-dense meals at home. While you may initially think that cooking all of your meals from scratch is too time-consuming, establishing healthier home-cooking habits is easier than you might think.

    Regardless of the type of diet you follow, whether it's vegan, gluten-free, keto, or diabetic-friendly, home-cooked meals are a great way to ensure that you're getting the nutrients you need. You don't need a large kitchen or fancy equipment to get started; just a few basic pieces of cooking equipment are all you need.

    I understand that time is a precious commodity, and many people have busy schedules. That's why I've compiled all the best shortcuts and tips for how to meal prep, so you can save time and still eat healthy. With a little bit of planning and preparation, you can establish healthy eating habits and start feeling successful in your healthy lifestyle.

    meal prep

    What is meal prep?

    Meal prep is the process of planning and preparing your meals in advance, so they're ready to eat when you need them. Essentially, you're cooking complete or almost complete meals ahead of time, and reheating them when it's time to eat. While meal prep works best for lunch and dinner, it can also be done for breakfast.

    Before you start prepping, you need to plan your meals first. This involves deciding on the meals you want to make, creating a grocery list, and buying all the necessary ingredients. Once you have everything you need, you can begin the prepping process.

    Meal prepping can offer these benefits:

    One of the biggest advantages of learning how to meal prep is that it helps you save time and stay organized in the kitchen. By prepping your meals ahead of time, you'll only need to cook or reheat them when it's time to eat, giving you more time for other activities. Many people prefer to do their meal planning and prep on a weekly basis, typically on preset days. I suggest Sundays and Wednesdays!

    Another benefit of meal prep is that it allows you to repurpose ingredients and stretch your food budget. When you prep for multiple meals at the same time, using frequently-used ingredients, you'll save even more time during the week. Moreover, buying "dry staple" ingredients like grains, flours, pasta, nuts, seeds, and legumes in bulk can save you money in the long run. You can keep these items in your pantry and portion them out for meals as you need them.

    Meal prep also helps you stay on track with your healthy eating goals. Since your meals and snacks are already prepared, there's less chance that you'll veer away from your healthy eating regime. Prepping your food in advance also allows you to store meals in proper portion sizes, which can help to prevent overeating and keep your calorie intake under control.

    Overall, meal prep is a great way to save time, stay organized, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. By incorporating this practice into your routine, you'll be able to enjoy delicious, nutritious meals without spending hours in the kitchen.

    meal prep in containers

    How to meal prep and batch cook

    1. To get organized, use a calendar and choose the day(s) of the week to do your grocery shopping, meal prep, and/or batch cooking. Schedule these events just like any other appointment. Plan your grocery shopping day once you have decided on your meal prep day to prevent food spoilage. Sunday is a popular day for meal prep since it’s just before the beginning of a new work/school week.
    2. Batch cooking is another cooking idea related to meal prep. At its simplest, it means preparing multiple batches of the same meal, portioning them out, then freezing them for later use.
    3. Start by focusing on one daily meal to prep in advance, such as lunch or dinner. Then, as you become more experienced, add in some other meals each week.
    4. Consider buying some pre-cut foods to save time and reduce mess, but be aware that some pre-cut foods may have been processed in some way. Weigh the pros and cons before purchasing.
    5. Set up your prep station before anything else. Be aware of the location of the sink, appliances, kitchen gadgets, and trash cans in your kitchen. Organize and prep each ingredient before cooking.
    6. Use sharp knives and non-porous cutting boards to prevent cross-contamination and foodborne illness. It’s also a good idea to have separate cutting boards for meat/poultry and fruits/vegetables. Have pots and pans of various sizes to avoid waste.
    7. Avoid certain meal prep tasks until the night before or right before eating the meal. For example, don't chop and add fresh herbs until you're ready to eat to prevent oxidation and maximize flavor. Avoid washing fresh fruit until just before eating to prevent mold. Don't chop greens until just before eating to prevent wilting.
    8. Clean as you go during meal prep to keep counters clear, as space may be limited in your kitchen. Reuse dishes and utensils as much as possible since you don't need much to do meal prep efficiently.
    9. Label food storage containers with the contents and expiration date. Most food can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-5 days or in the freezer for several months, but some foods, such as eggs and sweet potatoes, do not freeze well. Consult a Safe Food Storage Chart for more information.
    10. Let hot food cool to room temperature before storing it in the refrigerator or freezer. Refer to Food Safety Tips for Leftovers for more information.

    By following these tips on how to meal prep, you can easily achieve your goals of living a healthier lifestyle with pre-planned meals.

    meal prepping


    Crowd Pleaser Breakfast Casserole - serves 12

    meal prep breakfast casserole

    (Gluten-free + dairy-free & make-ahead options)


     Avocado oil or preferred cooking oil for pan

    12 large whole eggs**

    1 Tbsp Mexican seasoning blend (no salt added)

    2 tsp garlic powder

    1½ tsp sea salt

    Black pepper, fresh ground, to taste

    1 cup any milk or dairy alternative (e.g. unsweetened almond or cashew milk)

    1 cup hard cheese, shredded & divided (sharp/old cheddar suggested, but can use non-dairy “cheese”)

    2 Tb jalapenos, seeded & minced

    ½ cup bell peppers, seeded & chopped

    ½ cup green onions &/or cilantro, chopped

    3 medium sweet potatoes, coarsely grated (= roughly 3 cups)

    4 cups baby spinach leaves, packed


    Preheat oven to 375 degrees F, line 9×13 baking dish with unbleached parchment paper and spray with cooking spray.

    In a large mixing bowl add eggs & spices; whisk for 30 seconds.

    Add milk, ⅔ cup cheese, green onions, cilantro (if using), bell peppers and jalapenos; whisk gently to combine.

    Add shredded sweet potatoes and spinach; stir well with spoon to mix.

    NOTE: Mixture will be thick, and will likely appear as if it needs more eggs, but don’t add any!

    Transfer to prepared (oiled) baking dish, and flatten mixture with back of spoon. Bake for 1 hour.

    Sprinkle with remaining ⅓ cup cheese/non-dairy “cheese”, and bake until cheese is just melted.

    Remove from oven, cool for 10 minutes and cut into 12 squares using long serrated knife. This is important so that you don’t shred and crumble the slices.

    Serve warm for breakfast with a slice of wholegrain/sprouted grain avocado toast - or cold with a side salad for lunch!

    Store casserole, cooled to room temp, in fridge in an airtight container for up to 5 days. Freezing is not recommended as it changes the texture and consistency.

    *To make ahead: Assemble, cover and refrigerate for up to 48 hours. Bake as described above.

    **Substitutions: Want to cut down on yolks? Substitute with 6 large eggs + 2 cups liquid egg whites.

    University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Food Storage Chart for Cupboard/Pantry, Refrigerator and Freezer

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