High Protein Meal Plan

Are you a woman over 40 who's struggling to lose weight and get in shape? Are you tired of restrictive diets and confusing meal plans that leave you feeling hungry and unsatisfied? If so, I have great news for you - I've created a high protein meal plan bundle to do exactly that!

Introducing my 4-week high protein meal plan, designed specifically for women over 40 who want to lose weight and get in shape. This easy-to-follow plan includes delicious and nutritious meals that will keep you feeling full and satisfied, while also providing your body with the protein it needs to build lean muscle and burn fat.

high protein meal plan bundle

Benefits of Following a High Protein Meal Plan

Here are just a few of the benefits you'll experience when you purchase my 4-week high protein meal plan:

  1. Rapid weight loss: This meal plan is designed to help you shed unwanted pounds quickly and safely. By following my high protein meal plan and recipes, you'll boost your metabolism and burn fat faster than ever before.
  2. Increased energy: Eating a high protein diet can help to boost your energy levels, so you can power through your workouts and tackle your day with ease.
  3. Improved muscle tone: As you lose weight, you'll also be building lean muscle mass. This will help to give your body a toned, sculpted appearance that you'll love.
  4. Better overall health: Eating a balanced, high protein diet can help to improve your overall health and reduce your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Common problems when looking for weight loss solutions online

#1 You don't really understand how much protein you need and how to get this in a healthy way. You don't have an easy method of learning the basics

#2 Without a clear plan, you are feeling lost. You might be having a hard time committing to your weight loss goals because the information you are getting is unorganized and you don't know how to start. 

#3 When you Google high protein meals, most of them are garbage and instead of helping you lose weight, they will sabotage your success.

What You Will Get Today When You Order Yours

high protein recipes May

35 Page Guide of High Protein Recipes 

 $115 Value

30 high protein and low carb recipes with full calorie and macro breakdowns. 

high protein meal plan

Four Week Meal Plan

$75 Value

This meal plan uses the recipes from the recipe pack and includes a full grocery list for each week.

high protein snack ideas May

High Protein Snack Ideas

$40 Value

I always get asked which snacks are best!  Use this high protein snack guide for an easy explanation.

healthy sauces and condiments

Healthy Condiment Blueprint

$45 Value

Don't ruin a good meal by slathering it with unhealthy condiments. This guide will show you which condiments are best.

Total Value = $275

Today’s Deal = $47

Yes, I Need This Now

What Recipes in This High Protein Meal Plan Bundle Include:

  • Clean protein such as organic eggs, grass-fed beef, nuts, seeds, and wild caught fish. 
  • Non-starchy vegetables that are loaded with fiber for a healthy gut microbiome and for good gut motility. 
  • ​Variety to be sure your clients are also meeting their micronutrient needs and getting plenty of anti-oxidants.
  • ​Simple meals that are easy to make for even the beginner cook.

What Recipes in This High Protein Meal Plan Bundle Do Not Include

  • Harmful oils such as canola oil, vegetable oil, and processed seed oils. 
  • ​Highly processed foods. 
  • ​Complex meals that take hours to prepare. 
  • ​Unusual ingredients that are difficult to find. 

So what are you waiting for? Order my 4-week high protein meal plan today and start seeing real results in just four short weeks! With my easy-to-follow plan, you'll never have to worry about what to eat or how much to eat. It will provide you with all the guidance you need to achieve your weight loss goals and feel your best in a healthy and sustainable way.

High Protein, Low Carb Bundle

What's Included: 

  • High Protein Recipe Pack: 30 high protein and low carb recipes with full calorie and macro breakdowns.
  • Four Week Meal Plan: This meal plan uses the recipes from the recipe pack and includes a full grocery list with exact amounts for each week
  • High Protein Snack Ideas: Wondering what to eat for snacks? . Use this guide for an easy explanation of what to snack on for best results. 
  • Protein Portion Guide: This guide can help you easily understand how much protein is in common foods and what one portion looks like.
  • Clean Protein Shopping Guide: Most women don't know what "clean" protein is and how to shop for it. Make this as simple as possible.
  • Healthy Condiment Blueprint: I really don't want you to ruin a good meal by slathering it with unhealthy condiments. This guide will show you which condiments are best.

Yes I Need This High Protein Meal Plan In My Life!

high protein package

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