So who exactly is Kimberley Tanis anyway?

Kimberley Tanis

Well first off, if you're reading this, welcome!  In case we haven't met yet, I'm Kimberley Tanis the founder of Alpha Female Training. I'm a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) , Certified Online Personal Trainer and a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN) I'm also certified with Precision Nutrition Level One.  I'm the owner of Railway Fitness in Sanford Manitoba.  I am also a 50 year old mom of 4 amazing kids. 

I started Alpha Female Training with one major goal in mind - to empower women to take back control of their bodies and their confidence after the age of 40 when everything seems to start to fall apart. 

In my opinion women over 40 are completely underserved with both mother nature and modern medicine writing them off now that their child bearing years are behind them.  

I believe woman can be stronger and healthier than ever at this age.  They just weren't taught how to.  Gen X women grew up in the age of aerobics classes and low fat diets and artificial foods. We were given anti-depressants and artificial hormones and told it is all part of the aging process and that there's nothing we can do about it.

You can be strong, fit and sexy at any age. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

me in competition

A bit about me ...

Well for starters, embarassing but true - Kimberley Tanis is my given name - so if you're out online you may find me under some different last names because in the course of  my life journey I've been married a few times and made name changes and unchanges accordingly.  That's a topic for another day - however..

I have been a personal trainer for over 18 years now.  I have logged more than 25000 hours of one on one training in two different commercial gyms and then I opened up my own personal training studio in the small town that I live in.  I have competed and placed  in figure competitions after I was 40 years old . 

When the pandemic hit and my business was shut down in Canada for over a year and half I had to pivot and learn how to train online. This website has allowed me to put all my years of knowledge and experience out there for you to learn from. 

I love being a personal trainer and helping all manner of people get their mojo back as well as help them to navigate through the vast amounts of mis-information that is out there. And women over 40 are my FAVORITE to train

If you have a passion for living your best life as a woman over 40, you’re in the right place. And if you don’t want to miss a thing, why not sign up for my  updates in my newsletter? I love to create and send free resources to my readers to help you navigate all things hormones and weight loss! Start today and receive my 5 Day Metabolic Jumpstart Challenge!

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    Kimberley Tanis

    What are the benefits of online training

    I made the decision to become a certified ONLINE trainer this past year in order to better coach, support and train more women more effectively via the internet and a mobile app. This benefits my clients in so many ways.

    • They no longer HAVE to go to a gym - lots of women don't really like gyms.  They're often intimidating and not always close locally. Being able to train anywhere they are comfortable can be a huge advantage.
    • Scheduling now becomes a non -issue. For busy clients who work long hours booking in with me for sessions can be difficult plus if they are scheduled in for a training session and get stuck in traffic or some other unforseen issue they lose some or all of that workout.  This also can cause undue extra stress.
    • I am able to offer stronger accountability and support - I used to joke that while I may have a client for a couple of hours a week, what I really needed to be doing was following them around slapping cookies out of their hands :D  My clients are now able to have me literally in their pockets and I also run an online Facebook group to provide a community of like minded women all supporting each other.
    • It's more cost effective - in commercial gyms you are paying a trainer for their time and expertise and you are also paying for the clubs overhead.  Online training means you get exactly what you need.
    • Since I utilize an App my clients have the ability to see their stats, track their progress and communicate with me as needed in real time. 
    • In addition to one on one coaching I also offer a variety of courses for women that include both the nutrition and the fitness component and specialty courses for balancing hormones naturally for women in peri and menopause.
    • I also create and sell diet specific meal plans, journals and affirmation cards for women.

    certified online trainer

    I do not label certain foods as good or bad. I do teach macros, carb cycling, holistic nutrition, natural hormone balancing and moderation. I don't believe in excessive cardio sessions or starving or restricting entire food groups.  I DO believe however in lifting some heavy ass weights that will help you to create a firm and fit body.  

    I'm here to show you that you absolutely can get strong, lean and confident again at any age, without giving up all of your favorite foods, starving yourself or spending countless hours doing mindless cardio.

    I look forward to coaching you to be your best self - at any age.


    Kimberley Tanis - my friends call me Kim

    For about my coaching services please start here


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