Cardio vs Resistance Training

Hello lovely ladies over 40! Are you confused about which type of exercise is best for you? There's been a lot of talk about cardio vs resistance training, and which one is the gold standard for actually helping you lose body fat. But the truth is, it all depends on your specific health goals. So, let's take a closer look at both types of exercise and see how they can help you achieve your desired outcomes.

women at the gym

Cardio vs Resistance Training for Weight Loss

Now having spent over 20 years in the fitness space I can tell you personally that slaving for hours on a treadmill is the SLOWEST way to lose body fat.  If body recomposition is what you're after ( and you should be) then that little bit of muscle you add to your body will speed up your metabolism as well and change the actual shape of your body to tighter and more toned.  Plus over 40 women need to avoid stress as much as humanly possible and hours of mindless cardio is considered a stressor on our bodies. 

Not only does resistance training strengthen your muscles, it also strengthens your bones, your heart and your mind and helps you to be more resilient as you age. Resistance training can also drastically improve your balance which is critical to helping you avoid accidental slips and falls. 

If you're a Gen X woman I totally understand that we grew up doing 'aerobics' and weight training was for the men. However you are never too old to start a weight training program and resistance training CAN be your own bodyweight!

For Better Health and Longevity

woman lifting dumbbells

If your goal is overall better health and longevity, resistance training is absolutely the way to go. According to Dr. Robert Schreiber, an instructor at Harvard Medical School, just doing aerobic exercise is not enough. He says that unless you do strength training, you will become weaker and less functional over time. By age 70, the average 30-year-old will have lost a quarter of their muscle mass, and half of it by age 90! 

cardio or weights chart

Amount of Cardio Needed

The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology recommends doing 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise each week. You can choose from activities like running, power walking, cycling, aerobics, or cross-country skiing. Try to aim for three 50-minute sessions or shorter, more frequent sessions that get your heart rate up and make you break a sweat.

Amount of Resistance Training Needed

According to Harvard Medical School, you should aim to train all the major muscles of your body 2-3 times a week. This will not only increase your overall strength but also make everyday activities easier as you get older.

Do You Have to Choose Between Cardio vs Resistance Training?

woman doing a leg press

The Duke University study showed that combining both cardio and resistance training resulted in the best change in overall body composition. This combination helped participants lose fat and gain lean muscle mass, which is crucial for maintaining strength and longevity.

In today's fast-paced world, it can be hard to find time for exercise. But the most important thing is to stay active and consistent. Aim to exercise for 150 minutes or more each week and eat a healthy, balanced diet. This will help you feel healthier and stronger. And don't forget to fuel up with good nutrition before your workout.

In conclusion, the type of exercise you choose depends on your specific health goals. Whether it's weight loss, better health, or longevity, cardio and resistance training both have their benefits. So, find a combination that works for you and keep moving. It doesn't have to be a battle of cardio vs resistance training - they both matter. You've got this!

Because nutrition has such a huge impact on your performance and your goals, it’s important to fuel up on the good stuff before a workout, cardio vs resistance training doesn't matter you still need nutrition! 

No-bake Pre-Workout bars are a great source of energy and contain no artificial ingredients. They’ll give you all the energy you need to power through your workout and hit your goals!

No-Bake Pre-Workout Snack Bars

no bake energy bars


Who wants some pre-workout energy?!

No-bake Pre-Workout Snack Bars

Serves 8


3/4 cup of Medjool Dates

1 cup of nuts (any kind will do OR you can sub sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds for a nut free version)

1 pinch of sea salt

Optional: add some dried fruit such as cranberries or raisins to change up the flavour


Combine all ingredients in the food processor until it forms a sticky dough. Line an 8 inch pan with plastic wrap.

Then pour the dough and press down firmly until it fills the pan.

Refrigerate for at least 1 hour before cutting into squares. Serve and enjoy!


1] Journal of Applied Physiology, Dec 2012: Effects of aerobic and/or resistance training on body mass and fat mass in overweight or obese adults

2] Harvard Health Publishing: Want to live longer and better? Do strength training.

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