How To Lose Belly Fat

Hey ladies over 40, let's talk about how to lose belly fat! We know it can be frustrating to hear the same advice over and over again about how to get rid of it through healthy eating and exercise. But let's dive deeper into the question: Can you really lose just belly fat?

The answer is a bit of yes and no. Simply doing crunches or targeting your abdominal muscles won't necessarily give you a six-pack. To truly tackle belly fat, you need to focus on a combination of exercise and nutrition to address your overall body composition.

But it's important to understand why you have excess belly fat in the first place. It could be due to genetics or age, but it's also worth considering the impact of stress and hormones.

We're here to provide you with some actionable strategies to help you naturally slim down your belly without falling for any marketing gimmicks. And I've even got a refreshing detox water recipe to share with you that might just become your new go-to drink!

woman can't zip up jeans

Can You Really Lose Just Belly Fat?

Here's the scoop on whether you can lose just belly fat: the answer is both yes and no. The "no" part is that targeting one specific area for fat loss, also known as "spot reduction," is a myth. Unfortunately, you can't just do a bunch of crunches to magically develop a six-pack. Instead, you need to focus on overall body composition through a combination of exercise and nutrition.

The real question to ask yourself is why you have excess belly fat in the first place. It could be due to genetics or aging, but stress and hormones also play a big role.

Too much cortisol, the body's stress hormone, can cause you to store more fat around your abdomen. And if you're chronically stressed, you may be more likely to overeat, leading to even more belly fat.

But don't worry, we'll talk more about how to tackle stress and hormones in a bit. The "yes" part of the answer is coming up next.

belly fat squeeze

5 ways to make your belly appear slimmer

A balanced and healthy diet is crucial for achieving a slimmer midsection. Whole foods should be your focus, and make sure to include high-quality sources of protein, slow-low complex carbs, whole fruits and veggies, and a healthy daily dose of good fats like avocados and olive oil. Additionally, it's important to limit alcohol consumption.

Excess sugar consumption, especially from sugary beverages like soft drinks containing high-fructose corn syrup or glucose-fructose, is the primary cause of excess belly and liver fat. Avoiding sugary foods and drinks can help reduce belly bloat and prevent insulin resistance, which can lead to love handles.

To support your body's digestion and minimize bloating and gas, try eating a balanced, whole foods diet, avoiding foods you may be sensitive to, eating fermented probiotic-rich foods, eating slowly and mindfully, and watching portion sizes. Consider taking digestive enzymes, but talk to a qualified health practitioner before taking any supplements.

Showing your liver some love can also help with digestion and slimming down the midsection. Follow the above suggestions, and consider adding in a liver support herbal tea, "detox" water (see recipe below), or supplement blend, but always consult with a health practitioner before adding new supplements to your health regime. Reducing alcohol consumption can also have a significant impact on slimming down the midsection.

To lose overall body fat and achieve a slimmer midsection, full-body training including strength training is essential. High-intensity interval or HIIT training is thought to be the most effective for body fat loss.

reduce sugar consumption

However, it is thought that certain areas have more metabolically active fat cells than others - as in they respond better to exercise and healthy eating measures.

Those that are considered “active” are: chest, arms & stomach - win!!

But those that are not especially active, and do not respond as well to diet & exercise are: butt, hips & thighs.

Ways to tackle your stress - and how to lose belly fat accumulation by regulating cortisol

●       GET MORE GOOD QUALITY SLEEP - Short sleep or poor-quality sleep may lead to weight gain, including belly fat accumulation.

●       EXERCISE AND MOVE YOUR BODY DAILY - Not only does exercising regularly do a body good, but it’s a totally underrated stress reliever!

●       CARVE OUT MORE TIME FOR SELF-CARE - meditation, yoga, hot bath, breathing, reading, listening to music, go for a walk, spend time with trusted & supportive friends…  and the list could go on!

time to workout

This super easy recipe not only tastes refreshing and gives plain water a serious upgrade, but it assists in digestion, supports the liver, and helps beat the bloat -- a natural belly slimmer!

Slimming “Detox” Water Recipe

detox water for a flat belly

Makes 4-6 servings


4-6 cups fresh, filtered water (or sparkling mineral water for extra zip and a dose of minerals)

1 cup Watermelon, cubed

½ cup English Cucumber, sliced

½ - 1 whole Lemon (or Lime), sliced

1- inch knob of Ginger, minced and/or 5-8 Mint Leaves, lightly crushed


Wash the rinds of all fruits well first, then prepare and cut up all fruits. 

Mix all ingredients in a large glass pitcher, and let mixture sit in the fridge for at least one hour to allow fruits to infuse.

You may choose to strain the fruit before serving so it doesn’t “dump” into your glass.

Enjoy several glasses throughout the day.

If using sparkling water, ensure that you put a cover on your pitcher and enjoy by the end of the day, otherwise it will be flat!

Medicine & Science in Sports Exercise Journal (Study): Effect of exercise training intensity on abdominal visceral fat and body composition

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