Detox Diets and Cleanses

Hi there! I understand that finding ways to lose weight and improve your overall health can be a challenge, especially as we get older. It's easy to be tempted by quick fixes like detox diets and cleanses that promise to detoxify our bodies and help us shed those extra pounds without breaking the bank.

You may have come across terms like 'Detox Diets' and 'Body Cleanses' in your search for a solution, but are these methods really safe and effective? There's a lot of information out there, and it can be confusing to know what to believe.

In this article, I'll answer some common questions about detoxes and cleanses and offer some simple and natural lifestyle changes that can support your body's natural detoxification processes. No fluff, just the facts to help you make informed decisions about your own health.

time to detox

Detox Diets and Cleanses: Are They Even Safe?

Have you ever come across terms like 'Detox diets', 'Body cleanses', 'Colon cleanses', or 'Bowel cleanses', and wondered what they really mean? These terms are often associated with the idea of getting rid of harmful toxins from our bodies, but are they actually necessary for our health?

There's a lot of buzz around these programs and products marketed as detoxes and cleanses, but the question is, are they even safe to try? It can be confusing for consumers as people tend to use these terms interchangeably, adding to the confusion.

In this article, we'll break down what these terms actually mean and explore whether detoxes and cleanses are really necessary for our bodies. We'll also look at the safety concerns surrounding these programs and products, so you can make an informed decision about whether they're right for you.

healthy detox foods

What IS the Difference Between a Detox Diet and a Cleanse?

Both detoxes and cleanses aim to eliminate toxins from the body, but it's important to understand their key differences.

Detox Diet: This method requires you to follow a strict diet that only allows a limited selection of food considered as "detox foods." Typically, this lasts for a specific period, ranging from several days to weeks. Some detox diets may even involve fasting, which can negatively affect your energy levels and nutrient intake, leading to "detox flu" symptoms.

Cleanse: A cleanse typically involves consuming herbal or supplement products, such as pills, powders, or tinctures, to flush out your digestive tract, especially the large colon or bowel. However, it's important to note that some of these products may contain chemicals that can cause unwanted side effects and be harmful to your health, defeating the purpose of the cleanse. Some cleanses also require a restrictive diet for a short period, often matching the recommended duration of the supplement.

woman pouring a healthy drink

Why do women feel they need to ‘cleanse’ their body anyway?

Some women may consider trying detox diets and cleanses for various reasons, besides eliminating excess toxins from their system. These reasons could include:

  • Weight loss and improving overall health and appearance
  • A perceived "health halo" that comes with a cleanse program or product
  • To counter the effects of unhealthy eating or drinking habits, such as overindulging during a vacation or preparing for one
  • Feeling like they are reacting badly to certain foods and experiencing bloating and digestive issues so they want to try an elimination diet to find out what's causing them..
  • Having imbalanced hormones and wanting to try a healthy hormone detox program without resorting to pills and pharmaceuticals.
  • Having a special occasion coming up and wanting a boost in their perceived weight loss in advance of it.

However, it's important to note that our bodies are already designed to perfectly eliminate waste and toxins naturally, without the need for external detox programs. The liver, for example, plays a crucial role in removing toxins from the blood.

green smoothie detox

Tips to Help You Naturally Support Your Body’s Own Detoxification Processes

In addition to detox diets and cleanses, there are a variety of day-to-day and year-round practices that can help you maintain a healthy and toxin-free body.

One of the easiest things you can do is to exercise regularly and sweat. Sweating helps to remove toxins from your body. Drinking plenty of filtered water is also important as it helps flush out and cleanse your system. You can add some fresh fruits or vegetables to enhance the flavor of plain filtered water.

Consuming good fats is another great way to keep your body healthy. Ditch the processed and refined fats and instead consume healthier fats such as olives and olive oil, raw nuts and seeds, coconut oil, and avocados. Fiber is also important for removing toxins and waste from your system. Think of fiber as a stiff-bristled broom for your digestive system!

It's also important to be a savvy label reader. If you don't recognize the ingredients on the label, then it's likely not food! There could be chemicals that result in negative side effects, and these chemicals are additional toxins that are entering your body. Consume organic and non-GMO foods as much as possible to reduce your toxic load.

Making the switch to more natural bath and beauty products, as well as natural, chemical-free cleaning products for your household, is another way to reduce the toxin load on your body. Your skin is amazing at absorbing much of what you put on it, so be sure to use only good quality products.

Mocktails, or non-alcoholic cocktails, have become a popular trend for those seeking healthier, more natural beverages without adding additional toxins to our system. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can maintain a healthy and toxin-free body year-round.

This Strawberry Orange Mocktail recipe is as refreshing as it is healthy, and can easily be made in just a few minutes. Impress your friends with it the next time you entertain!

orange strawberry mocktail

Strawberry Orange Mocktail Recipe

Strawberry Orange “Mocktail”


1 lb. fresh strawberries (if using frozen, unsweetened strawberries, can adjust the ice)

½ cup pure orange juice

½ cup ice cubes

2 Tbsp fresh lime juice

Top with

½ cup sparkling water, lemon or lime flavoured if desired


  1. Place fruit, juice & ice in a blender. Blend on medium-high until the desired consistency is reached. Should be a smoothie-like thickness.
  2. Pour into glass, ¾ full, then top with sparkling water. Leave as is or stir in slightly.
  3. Enjoy the alcohol-free, naturally “detoxing” refreshment!

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