The Importance of Sleep

The Importance of Sleep for Women's Health and Weight Loss!

Say Goodbye to Restless Nights With These Tips

Ladies, are you tired of constantly feeling exhausted and running on stress hormones? It's time to say goodbye to those restless nights and hello to better sleep habits. Sleep is crucial for our overall health and wellbeing, yet many of us still neglect its importance.

Oh, that elusive sleep.  That time to relax and regenerate.  To heal and repair. Easier said than done right?  Especially for women over 40 between the hot flashes and stress and overwhelm it can feel impossible to get a good night's sleep. 

If you need that coffee or two (or three) every morning you may get some very useful tips in this post.

Sleep isn't just important for your mind and body to have energy and be alert.  Lack of sleep can contribute to serious health issues which you don't want, including craving carbs and raising the stress hormone cortisol which ultimately contribute to that belly fat.

So let me have your attention for this “tip-filled” post on the importance of sleep and how you can get your fair share.  I'll even throw in an amazing caffeine-free latte recipe for your afternoon “pick me up”. 

woman in bed

The Science Behind The Importance of Sleep

he study of sleep is complex, and we are only just beginning to understand the full extent of its benefits. Lack of sleep can lead to an array of health issues, including diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. It also slows down our metabolism, causes weight gain, disrupts hormone balance, and leads to inflammation. The consequences of insufficient sleep don't stop there; it also affects our mood, memory, and decision-making skills.

Moreover, lack of sleep can even negate the positive effects of our exercise routines. With so many aspects of our health being impacted by sleep, it's easy to see why getting enough rest is crucial. Sleep serves three main purposes:

  1. Restoring our body and mind - while we sleep, our bodies repair, grow, and even "detoxify" our brains.
  2. Improving our brain's ability to learn and remember - this process is known as "synaptic plasticity."
  3. Conserving energy - sleep helps us conserve energy so that we can be productive and alert during the day.

Try not to skimp!

(Don't worry, I have you covered with a bunch of actionable tips below.)

The recommended amount of sleep for adults is 7-9 hours per night. So, make sure to prioritize your sleep and aim for a consistent sleep schedule.

women in bed reading

Tips for Better Sleep

  1. Establish a consistent sleep schedule - make it a priority to turn off your lights 8 hours before your alarm goes off every day, including weekends.
  2. Balance your blood sugar - choose whole foods over processed foods and aim to have protein with every meal.
  3. Get some sunshine on your eyes and body and make sure to get some form of exercise during the day - this helps your body recognize that it's time to be active and alert.
  4. Limit caffeine and added sugar intake after 12 PM - both can keep your mind overactive in the evening. Most women over 40 find that they are far more sensitive to caffeine than they used to be when they were younger.
  5. Have a relaxing bedtime routine - start winding down one hour before your lights-out time by dimming artificial lights, avoiding screen time, and perhaps reading an actual book ( not an ebook not a screen) or taking a relaxing bath. Creating an end of day wind down routine can really help.
  6. Keep your room cool and dark and consider using a fan for some air movement (especially if you are looking for hot flash relief!)
  7. Try keeping a notebook and pen beside your bed so that you can do a 'brain dump' of all the things on your mind so that you can rest and revisit them in the morning.
  8. Essential oils like lavender can be calming and relaxing for many women either in a spray or a diffuser.
  9. Consider taking a supplement containing magnesium, melatonin, l-theanine or CBD if you are still having trouble winding down.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you get the restful sleep your body and mind need to be healthy and at your best. You will also minimize those cravings for sugary junk to get you through the afternoon. 

So how many of these tips can you start implementing today?

Recipe (Caffeine-free latte for your afternoon “coffee break”): Caffeine-Free Chai Latte

healthy chai latte

Serves 1-2

1 bag of rooibos chai tea (rooibos is naturally caffeine-free)

2 cups of boiling water

1 tablespoon tahini

1 tablespoon almond butter (creamy is preferred)

2 dates (optional)

Cover the teabag and dates (if using) with 2 cups of boiling water and steep for a few minutes.

Discard the tea bag & place tea, soaked dates, tahini & almond butter into a blender.

Blend until creamy.

Serve and Enjoy!

Tip:  You can try this with other nut or seed butters to see which flavour combination you like the best.  Cashew butter anyone?


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