What is Estrogen Dominance?

Ladies, let's talk about what is estrogen dominance. As women, we have two main hormones: estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen plays a crucial role in our femininity and reproduction. While men have some estrogen as well, women have it in much higher amounts.

Estrogen helps develop our physical features such as our breasts, pubic hair, and underarm hair. It's responsible for initiating our menstrual cycles during puberty and continues to regulate them through childbirth and menopause. Additionally, estrogen has various other functions such as maintaining cholesterol levels, protecting our bone health, and impacting our mood, bones, heart, skin, and other tissues.

Thanks to estrogen, our skin remains plump and elastic, our muscles and bones are stronger, our aging process slows down, our libido increases, our moods are balanced, and our sleep cycle is regulated.

However, things can take a turn for the worse when we experience estrogen dominance.


What is estrogen dominance and how does it happen?

This occurs when our bodies continually produce more estrogen than progesterone. Although estrogen is naturally more dominant during the follicular phase of our menstrual cycle, it should only be so for a few days.

Estrogen dominance can lead to a range of other health problems and symptoms such as PMS, constant headaches or migraines, water retention and bloating, weight gain in the lower body, ovarian cysts, acne, mood swings, painful periods, and more.

Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance:

If you experience any two or more of the following symptoms, you may have estrogen dominance.

• Constant headaches or migraines

• Water retention and bloating

• Gaining weight in your lower body

• Ovarian Cysts

• Oily hair and skin

• Fibroids

• Acne

• PCOS or Endometriosis

• Tender and painful breasts

• Hair loss

• Random mood swings

• Heavy flow during periods

• Painful cramps before and during periods

• Irregular periods

How to Balance Your Estrogen Naturally

healthy smoothie recipes

Balancing our estrogen levels is crucial for our overall health. One of the best ways to do this is through a natural body detox. This doesn't mean we need to starve ourselves or go on a juice cleanse, but rather make healthier food choices and eliminate certain foods and drinks from our diets.

Ditching the toxins that you put on your body and in your environment is crucial for another layer of support.

To support our liver, which is responsible for filtering blood and balancing hormones, we should avoid processed foods high in fat, sugar, and salt and focus on eating fresh, whole foods rich in fiber, vitamin C, sulfur, and B vitamins.

Eating this way helps the body naturally detox and can be part of your path back to balancing your hormones.

Drinking milk thistle tea or taking milk thistle supplements can also be very beneficial for the health of your liver and detoxing from the environment.

Additionally, we should choose to use natural and organic products, both on our bodies and in our environment. It's also super important to prioritize our mental health by removing negative energy from our lives. (This is a big one I know - but the less stress you have on a daily basis - the better as a women's body is incredibly responsive to stress and negativity.) 

Remember, it may take some time to see improvements so do be patient and do your research! It's important to consult your trusted health care practitioner or doctor if you don't see any results within 30 days of making positive changes.

Your doctor can assess your health and order tests to get a more personalized understanding of your hormone levels and guide you on the path to balance. Be sure to ask them what is estrogen dominance!

skincare for hormonal balance

Hormonal balance plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy, glowing skin. When estrogen levels are imbalanced, it can cause skin issues such as acne, dryness, and aging. To keep your hormones in check and ensure radiant skin, consider incorporating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, while avoiding processed foods and excessive alcohol.

Also, pay attention to the products you use on your skin and opt for natural, chemical-free options. Regular exercise and stress-management techniques can also help to regulate hormones and keep skin looking its best.

Additionally, drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep are also essential for promoting hormonal balance and keeping your skin looking youthful and radiant.

Estrogen Detox Smoothie Recipe:

green smoothie

To enjoy a tasty detox smoothie, blend the following ingredients until the mixture looks smooth and creamy and enjoy! This will make at least 2 servings. 

• 3 cups kale/ spinach

• Half peeled cucumber

• Half lemon

• Peeled knob of ginger

• 2 stalks celery

• 2 cups mango

• 1 handful fresh cilantro

• 3 cups of water

• 4 tablespoons ground flaxseed

• 1 to 2 scoops of healthy protein powder (optional)


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