How to Stop Overeating At Meals

In this article I'm going to be talking about how to stop overeating at meals. 

We all do it.  Sometimes the amazing aroma and delicious flavour gets the best of us.  Especially if we're a bit on the hungry (or hangry) side or if we haven't planned ahead.

This can have a big impact on our weight, energy levels, and overall health and well being.  Of course our body needs food to fuel it and we often (usually) eat amazingly healthy foods.

But we may still overeat and the calories can up too high even if the foods we're eating are not necessarily very calorie dense. 

In this post I'm going to give you three solid tips for preventing that from happening.  Seriously!  If you can make these three things a regular habit in your life and part of your daily routine you've got one up on the overeating cravings.  And they're not hard to implement.


How to stop overeating - 3 easy tips 

Ladies, let's be honest, those holiday celebrations and dinners out are a true feast for the senses. From the delicious food, to the beautiful decorations, to the company of our loved ones - it's all just too good to resist. But while indulging during special occasions is okay every once in a while, it's not something we want to do every day especially if we are trying to lose some weight.

That's why I've come up with three simple tips to help us avoid overeating and make the most of our meals.


Tip #1: Reach for the water first

We know, we know. The moment you smell that delicious aroma, all you want to do is fill your plate to the brim with all the goodies and dig in. But did you know that sometimes our brain can actually confuse thirst for hunger?

So next time you feel like reaching for food, grab a glass of water instead. Drinking water before a meal can help reduce the amount of food you eat, and even aid in weight loss.  Caveat - it's important to drink before and not during your meals to aid in digestion. 

Plus, drinking enough water can also increase your metabolism, so it's an absolute win-win situation!

mind body soul

Tip #2: Be mindful while eating

You've probably heard of mindfulness and its benefits, but have you tried applying it to your eating habits? Eating mindfully can help you avoid overeating and improve your digestion. Simply take smaller bites, chew your food thoroughly, and savour every mouthful.

Pay attention to the smell, taste, and texture of your food. Take your time and enjoy each bite. It takes about 20 minutes for our brain to know that our stomach is full, so eating slower can often mean eating less.

To take it a step further, try eating at a table, using a smaller plate, and putting your fork down between bites.

Tip #3: Start with a salad

healthy food

We get it, you've been eyeing that creamy main dish for a while now. But before you dive in, try starting with a salad. Vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and they also have two secret weapons to help fill you up: fiber and water. Eating a salad before your main course can help you feel more satisfied, making it easier to avoid overeating.

In conclusion, ladies, these three simple tips can help us avoid overeating at meals. Drink a glass of water, eat mindfully, and start with a salad, and you'll be well on your way to enjoying your meals to the fullest and not worrying about how to stop overeating!

Recipe (Water): Tasty (and beautiful) Pre-Meal Water Ideas

fruit infused water

If you're not much of a plain water drinker or need your water to be more appealing to your senses here are five delicious (and beautiful looking) fruit combos to add to your large glass of water:

●      Slices of lemon & ginger

●      Slices of strawberries & orange

●      Slices of apple & a cinnamon stick

●      Chopped pineapple & mango

●      Blueberries & raspberries

Tip: You can buy a bag (or several bags) of frozen chopped fruit and throw those into your cup, thermos, or uber-cool mason jar in the morning.  They're already washed and cut and will help keep your water colder longer.


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