Low Carb Diet Basics

Are you interested in learning about low carb diet basics and how they can help you to lose belly fat in perimenopause or menopause? If so, read on! (recipe at the end!)

Low carb diets have been a popular choice for women looking to improve their health and lose weight. But, what exactly is a low carb diet, and how can it help you achieve your goals? (hint- most woman do it wrong)

To start, it's important to understand what a carb is. Carbohydrates are one of the three main macronutrients our bodies need to function, along with protein and fat. Carbs come in three types: sugars, starches, and fiber.

Sugars are the smallest type of carb and come in many different forms, including table sugar and fruit sugar. Starches are longer chains of sugars that are broken down into sugars during digestion, while fiber is a type of carb that isn't broken down by our digestive enzymes and instead passes through our system, providing important benefits for our gut health.

When it comes to low carb diet basics, the main goal is to reduce your intake of sugars and starches, while still getting enough fiber to support healthy digestion. By doing so, you can achieve weight loss, improve your blood sugar levels, and even reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

If you're interested in trying a low carb diet, it's important to stock up on lots of healthy options such as veggies and good fats at home to ensure it's a healthy decision for you. And remember, there are many delicious and satisfying low carb foods to choose from, so you can still enjoy a wide variety of meals while sticking to your goals.

low carb diet

How do we metabolize carbs?

When we eat carbs, our body absorbs the broken down sugar into our blood, thus raising our blood sugar. Depending on how high and fast our blood sugar rises, our body may release insulin to tell our cells to absorb that sugar out of our blood and use it as energy now or store it for later.

This is part of the theory as to why eating low carb diets may help with menopause weight loss - by preventing the release of insulin, thus preventing the storage of excess calories.

But, our hormonal female bodies are a bit more complicated than that!

diet plan

Should you follow low carb diet basics for weight loss?

In recent studies, low carb diets and low-fat diets were compared to determine their effectiveness for weight loss.

The results showed several key findings:

  1. Low carb diets do not have a universal definition, which may impact their effectiveness.
  2. People find it more challenging to adhere to low carb diets than low-fat diets.
  3. Both low carb and low-fat diets can be effective for weight loss, and there is no clear winner between the two.
  4. The number of calories consumed remains a crucial factor in weight loss success, regardless of whether they come from carbs or fat.

So how many carbs is considered low-carb?

There is no single, definitive definition for a low carb diet.

The average American consumes around 300g of carbs daily. Some individuals view consuming less than 250g of carbs daily as the initial stage of a low carb diet. However, this level is not extremely low in carbs and is considered lower carb rather than low carb. For those who are new to reducing their carb intake, this level is relatively easy to maintain and can be a good starting point.

Moving forward,  typical low carb diet basics involve consuming less than 150g of carbs per day.

On the other end of the spectrum, consuming less than 50g of carbs per day falls under the ketogenic diet range, which is an extremely low carb diet. Eating such a low amount of carbs can put your body into a ketogenic state, but it can be difficult for many people to maintain.

low carb foods

Health benefits of going low-carb

Reducing carb intake can have additional health benefits beyond weight loss, such as preserving muscle mass and improving heart health biomarkers like cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Furthermore, consuming fewer carbs can enhance the body's ability to manage blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity.

It's worth noting that a low carb diet can be a healthy choice as long as it provides adequate essential nutrients. Although some individuals may lose weight by reducing their carb intake, results may vary from person to person.

In summary, a low carb diet may be beneficial for many people, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. It's important to note that there is no magic bullet in nutrition, and a well-rounded diet that fits an individual's unique needs is essential for optimal health.

healthy fried chicken

Healthy Recipe (Low carb): Baked "Breaded" Chicken

Serves 4

2 pounds chicken drumsticks
½ cup almond flour
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp black pepper
1 tsp paprika

1 tsp rosemary or thyme
½ tsp garlic powder


Preheat oven to 450F.

Cover a large baking dish with parchment paper.

In large food storage bag, combine all ingredients except chicken.

Place a couple of pieces of chicken in the bag and shake until coated.

Repeat with the rest of the chicken.

Place chicken on a lined dish and bake uncovered for 20 minutes.

Turn over and bake 15 minutes longer.

Ensure internal temperature of chicken reaches 165F.

Serve & enjoy!

Tip: You can roast veggies in another pan at the same time. Just chop, drizzle with oil, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. They might not need to cook as long as the chicken, so check them periodically.



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