Hot Flash Relief

 What is a hot flash and how do you go about getting hot flash relief?

A hot flash is a sudden overheating and a feeling of heat spreading through your body usually involving sweating, flushed cheeks and sometimes a rapid heartbeat. How intense it is and how long it lasts can vary from woman to woman.

If you're peri or menopausal you may know exactly what this sensation feels like.

They can happen at almost any time but many women experience them at night when they are trying to sleep. They are also known as night sweats and they really interrupt a good night's sleep.

hot flash

What causes hot flashes?

Not all women experience them but they are one of the most commonly reported ( and uncomfortable!) symptoms that are associated with hormonal imbalances, perimenopause and menopause.

There is a lot of variability in how severe they are and how many can take place in a 24 hour period.  Some women rarely experience them while some others report having as many as 20 per day!


Here are some known causes that can increase your risk of having these unpleasant waves of heat.

- women who smoke are more likely to experiences hot flashes

- being overweight or obese is correlated to a higher amount of hot flashes

- not being physically fit or active on a regular basis

- some studies show that ethnicity may be a factor - African American women report more hot flashes than women of European heritage, and Japanese and Chinese women experience less than women of European descent. 

Hot flashes are also very connected to a woman's level of stress and anxiety which in turn are increased because of being unable to get hot flash relief and having quality sleep!

There are certain dietary choices that have been shown to increase the incidence of hot flashes such as sugar, alcohol and excess caffeine. Some women also report that spicy foods can trigger their hot flashes.

So what helps with hot flashes?

woman having hot flash

Focusing on keeping cool no matter what is one of the best things you can do to find hot flash relief.

Try dressing in layers so that you can remove clothing as needed depending on your environment and how you are feeling in the moment.

Keep a bottle of cold water with you at all times so that you can both stay hydrated and cool off on the inside as quickly as possible.

Make sure that your bedroom is cool at night and has a source of circulating air such as an open window or a ceiling or bedside fan. 

Layer your bedding as well so that you can throw off covers as needed and then pull them back up once it has passed.

Think about getting into better shape for hot flash relief.

Most women find that losing a few pounds can dramatically decrease the severity of their hot flashes.

Throughout the perimenopause change a woman's ovaries are still producing estradiol which is a strong form of estrogen that can help relieve hot flashes. However excess body fat can produce more estrone - which fights against estradiol's benefits. 

low estrogen sympmtoms

Herbal Remedies that may provide hot flash relief

Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga Racemosa) is a popular herb that is found in many menopause relief products and has been around and used for hundreds of years.

Evening Primrose Oil has been shown to lessen the severity of hot flashes.

My personal favorite that worked really well for me was Diindolylmethane — known as DIM — is a powerful natural compound obtained from cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, watercress, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and kale. 

The benefits of using it are:

✔️ Treat Hormone-Related Conditions

There is evidence that DIM is capable of affecting estrogen levels in the body. This may produce positive results when treating certain conditions such as acne, menopause symptoms, PMS symptoms, prostate issues, and certain forms of cancer.

✔️ Encourage Detoxification

Our bodies carry a toxic burden from processed food, alcohol, chemicals, and environmental pollution that we are exposed to every day. DIM boosts the cytochrome P450 enzymes involved in phase 1 liver detoxification. DIM also possesses antioxidant properties for dealing with harmful free radicals.

✔️ Promote Liver Health

An interesting 2014 review looked at several studies on DIM’s impact on the liver. It found DIM can protect the liver through its anti-tumor, antioxidant, immune-modulating, detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effects.

Vitex or Chaste Tree Berry - Research suggests that chasteberry might help reduce menopausal symptoms by reducing the frequency of hot flashes and night sweats and improving your mood. This may be because chasteberry contains phytoestrogens, natural substances that mimic estrogen (the hormone that your ovaries stop making after menopause)

As always, do your research and/or speak to your health care provider but there are natural ways to get hot flash relief!

Source :

The effect of oral evening primrose oil on menopausal hot flashes: a randomized clinical trial.

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