Clean Eating and Weight Loss

I will open the world of clean eating and weight loss and give you five surprisingly simple hacks to get started clean eating without thinking too hard about what you are eating.

Our grocery stores are filled with a plethora of food options that cater to various needs. Whether you prefer your meals to be quick, easy, pre-cooked, or even frozen for later, you'll find something on the shelves that suits your taste buds.

Unfortunately, food has become highly commercialized, and its significance has been overshadowed by our budgets and the constant bombardment of enticing advertisements. As a result, most of us have lost touch with the source of the food we consume, which has led to a growing number of sick people struggling to identify the root cause of their health issues.

Sadly, when seeking answers, many women are often prescribed medication and dismissed without any further guidance. It's disheartening to see that many health issues literally stem from what we put into our bodies.

Eating healthily can seem complicated, and the labels on food products can be confusing. Furthermore, with so many responsibilities, you may not have time to spend preparing complex meals so it's easier to just grab food on the go without much thought.

However, let me assure you that clean eating is not a new or innovative idea. In fact, long before the advent of grocery stores, our ancestors were already practicing clean eating. And it's not as complicated as it seems- it's simply about returning to the fundamentals.

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    clean eating foods

    We live in a toxin filled world

    One of the things that surprises so many people exploring clean eating and what it means to “eat clean” is the number of toxins that are not only in our food but in our environment.

    ●      Pesticides are used on our produce that causes inflammation and a host of other illnesses.

    ●      Cancer-causing chemicals in our cleaning supplies.

    ●      Even chemicals are leached out of and absorbed into our bodies through the dishes we store our cups in.

    These toxins build up in our body and clog up the function of the brain, our organs, and even our skin.

    This isn’t to frighten you, although the idea is frightening.

    Instead, it is meant to show you that there is more than likely an answer to your mysterious chronic fatigue or digestive issues.

    Knowledge is power, and understanding the world around us and what we encounter allows us to make better choices for ourselves and our families.

    While we can’t completely eliminate toxins from our lives, we can control and manage a good amount of what we are exposed to.

    That is where clean eating comes in. Grab my free guide here!

    antioxidant foods

    What is 'clean eating'?

    When you're accustomed to purchasing your food in boxes and bags, the concept of "clean eating" may seem unfamiliar and out of reach, especially in a world where fad diets attempt to regulate and restrict our food choices.

    However, clean eating is not a fad diet at all. It's a way of life that centers on incorporating whole and natural foods into your diet to promote vitality and harness the natural gifts of nature to nourish and sustain our bodies.

    The recipes for clean eating and weight loss can be as simple or intricate as you prefer, but the foundation is built on:

    • Fresh fruits and vegetables
    • Whole grains
    • Lean meats and protein sources
    • Uncomplicated ingredients that lack lengthy labels or unfamiliar names.

    The biggest hurdle is transitioning from consuming partially or fully prepared foods to preparing meals with natural ingredients. This shift often leads people to resort to fast food when they're starving or waste money on food they can't or won't consume.

    apples and oranges

    Let me share a few ways to make clean eating and weight loss easy!

    When I first started cleaning up my diet, I was just as overwhelmed as you might be right now, and there were several times I stared with a blank face at the grocery aisles wondering what to get.

    These little tips and hacks are the biggest game-changers that made eating clean easier to adjust to and maintain over the years.

    Remember, it’s not so much eliminating food or restricting yourself- it is switching to more nutritious and natural ways of eating.

    Ditch the processed foods

    Starting on a clean eating and weight loss journey may seem like a no-brainer, but it can be overwhelming when practically everything you consume is processed in some form or another. It may feel as though you're being asked to stop eating entirely.

    However, transitioning away from processed foods doesn't have to be a daunting or scary prospect, and you won't go hungry, I assure you. Here are a few helpful tips to make the process easier:

    • Navigate the store carefully. Fresh foods and less processed items are often stored in refrigerators or open spaces. Stick to the perimeter and produce sections of the store as much as possible.
    • If you can't pronounce it, avoid it. Long ingredient lists with complex components are usually not the best options.
    • Familiarize yourself with food labels. To ensure that you're aware of what you're buying and what it contains, gaining some knowledge about food labels and their meanings will help to clear up any confusion.

    Ditch the plastic

    One place that no one expects to find chemicals that cause health issues is in the packages that our food and water come in, and what we store and eat out of.

    Plastics contain a chemical called BPA that can leach out of the plastic and into whatever is in them.

    BPA can cause cancer, tumors, chronic inflammation, and even genetic issues.

    Switching to ceramic, glass, or stainless-steel containers is more than just a healthy switch - your food will taste better and store better too.


    Ditch the sugar

    While sugar plays a crucial role in regulating various functions in our bodies, the majority of sugar we consume nowadays is highly processed and bleached, causing numerous health problems.

    Additionally, sugar is highly addictive, causing our bodies to crave it and experience symptoms when reducing our intake. As a result, it is frequently added to everything from apple sauce to cheeses, causing us to consume an excessive amount of sugar daily.

    To reduce your sugar intake, here are a few useful hacks:

    • Follow other tips to avoid processed foods
    • Use natural sweeteners like honey and agave nectar instead of refined sugar
    • Incorporate fruit and natural fruit juice to sweeten your meals.
    foods with gluten

    Ditch the gluten 

    Gluten is a protein that is generally found in certain grains like wheat, barley, and rye. It is also found hidden in tons of different foods under different names.

    It is one of the top allergens that go completely unnoticed by people when looking for answers to things like:

    ●      Chronic fatigue

    ●      Digestive issues

    ●      Allergic reactions

    ●      Inflammation

    ●      And even severe illness

    Finding out if you have a sensitivity can be determined from a simple elimination diet where you remove gluten, and several other common allergens from your diet. Then slowly reintroduce them back in, tracking how your body reacts.

    I have worked with so many clients that feel an almost immediate reaction to eating something with gluten after removing it intentionally for a period of time and never make the connection.

    personal care items

    These hacks and tips are great to get you started with clean eating and weight loss, but I know you couldn’t have missed my earlier comment about toxins in other things we are exposed to that can also wreak havoc.

    Here are a few other things in your life that you might not know are exposing you to harmful chemicals:

    ●      Cleaning products

    ●      Makeup

    ●      Clothing

    ●      Shampoo / Conditioner

    ●      Soaps

    ●      Lotions

    ●      Personal care and hygiene items

    We are lucky to live in a time where the clean movement is thriving and there are so many healthy revolutionaries offering clean products without chemicals.

    The food in your kitchen can even be used to replace many of your cleaning products and will look and smell better.

    We don’t have to live with toxins in our lives, and we don’t have to live chronically ill because there is no easy way to learn how to heal.

    Our bodies will naturally support us when we nourish it, and clean eating does that.

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