How To Lose Weight Over 40

As women in our 40s, 50s, and beyond, we are experiencing a significant period of change and maybe you're wondering how to lose weight over 40. While some changes may be positive, others can be confusing and challenging to navigate. It is common for women over 40, particularly during menopause, to struggle with weight gain or find it more difficult to shed extra pounds - this is not just in your mind. However, this does not mean that weight gain is inevitable or irreversible!

It can be frustrating to notice new belly fat seemingly appearing overnight, despite no significant changes in diet or exercise routines. But as we age, our bodies may not respond to food, exercise, or stress the way they used to. It is essential to accept that our bodies are changing and adapting to the next stage of life. Making gentle, healthy changes to our lifestyle can help us adjust gracefully while getting to know the new version of ourselves.

One of the biggest challenges is not fully understanding the changes occurring in our bodies and hormones during this phase. This lack of understanding can lead to a spiral of unsuccessful fad diets, over-exercising, and feelings of low self-worth. However, the good news is that it is possible to lose weight and prevent that unwelcome weight gain after 40 in a healthy and sustainable way. This requires a better understanding of our body's inner workings and a lot of self-love.

Weight gain after 40 is a complex issue, involving natural hormonal changes, genetics, and lifestyle modifications. But with the right mindset, knowledge, and approach, we can manage these changes and continue to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

before and after green shirt

You don't know what you don't know

First and foremost, let go of the notion that you're doing something wrong! The diet and exercise routine that worked for you in your 20s and 30s may not be suitable for your body anymore. This is a natural part of aging, and it doesn't mean you have to resort to extreme measures like starving yourself or excessive cardio sessions. Instead, you need to be strategic and outsmart your changing hormones and metabolism.

I understand that life in your 40s and beyond can be completely overwhelming, and it's challenging to find the time and energy to focus on weight loss. However, if we prioritize sustainable weight loss (beware of any promises of quick weight loss), we can gradually make changes that improve our overall well-being.

Managing excess weight, especially around the belly, can also help reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. So, it's crucial to take care of our bodies, not just for how we look but also for our long-term health. Once you know how to lose weight over 40 you can formulate a plan.

squeeze belly fat

So why are we getting fatter even if we have tried everything?

What causes us to gain weight and struggle with excess fat after 40? There are several reasons for this. Let's explore some of the main factors and then I'll provide you with effective strategies to overcome each one and you'll learn how to lose weight over 40. By doing so, you can feel and be your best self again.

Changing hormones are definitely to blame!

One of the primary reasons for changes in our bodies after 40 is hormonal fluctuations. These changes can cause not only excess weight but also decreased bone density, lower sex drive, and lower mood.

During perimenopause, it's common for your hormones to shift. Estrogen and progesterone levels decrease, while testosterone and cortisol fluctuate. These changes affect more than just your reproductive system, as they also impact weight, metabolism, and the way your body chooses to store body fat now.

Furthermore, our hunger and fullness hormones can become all mixed up during perimenopause, leading to confusion about when we should stop eating. This can cause us to eat more than we need, even after feeling full.

sleeping woman

Struggling more with our sleep now

Fluctuations in estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones can negatively affect our sleep quality. Many women in their 40s and 50s are struggling with restless sleep, insomnia, or feeling unrefreshed upon waking. While this may not seem related to changing hormones or weight, it actually is. Insufficient or disrupted sleep has been linked to weight gain. Also, if you wake up feeling groggy and tired, you may be more inclined to reach for sugary or carbohydrate-rich foods for energy and less motivated to exercise.

Your metabolism is changing now so pay attention

As we age, our metabolism tends to slow down, affecting how much energy we burn during exercise and how efficiently we convert food into energy. This deceleration in metabolism is partly due to changing estrogen levels and means we're burning less calories than we used to. So if you want to know how to lose weight over 40 start with boosting your metabolism.

Our bodies start to store more fat 

Weight changes that occur with age often have more to do with how the weight is distributed throughout the body rather than the actual number on the scale. Fluctuating cortisol levels and stress can contribute to the accumulation of fat around the belly and waistline, and lower estrogen levels can also play a role in this process.

physical activity

You are losing muscle if you're not trying to put it on

As we age, women tend to lose a significant amount of muscle mass every year, which can be one of the main reasons why they struggle with maintaining a healthy weight after the age of 40. This decline in muscle mass can have a negative impact on metabolism, fat storage, and ultimately lead to weight gain.

You may be more insulin resistant now

As we age, it is natural for our bodies to produce lesser insulin - the hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels. However, as we gain more weight, our bodies may also become resistant to the insulin produced, leading to higher or heavily fluctuating blood sugar levels. This insulin resistance can result in more cravings, weight gain, and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Your stress levels are too high

As I always emphasize, stress can have a significant impact on the body, and it's no different when it comes to weight gain. Adrenal fatigue and the fluctuation of cortisol levels, the stress hormone, are associated with difficulties in regulating blood sugar, excessive belly fat, and challenges in shedding pounds.

stressed out woman

Your life might be busier than ever 

During this stage of life, many of us struggle to find the time and energy to develop a consistent exercise plan. With the never-ending demands of work, family, and personal responsibilities, it can feel impossible to prioritize self-care. However, I believe that taking care of yourself is essential, and it's not just about weight loss. In fact, weight loss is just one aspect of achieving a healthier, happier, and more vibrant you. So, even though it may seem challenging, finding time for self-care is vital for your overall well-being.

Healthy weight loss at this age is very important

I often encourage accepting and embracing your body changes as you age. However, that doesn't mean you can't take action if you're not comfortable with how you feel in your own skin. I firmly believe that we can still love ourselves while actively making positive, sustainable changes on how to lose weight over 40.

Although weight loss can impact our confidence, it's not just about appearances. Achieving a healthy weight can benefit us in numerous other ways, leading to an overall improvement in our wellbeing. You might notice a boost in energy, clearer skin, and an uplifted mood alongside a slimmer waistline!

stepping on scale

How to lose weight over 40

If you're in your 40s or beyond and your usual diet and exercise routine no longer seems to be effective, don't despair! Your body changes naturally as you age, but that doesn't mean you can't lose weight and feel great. In fact, there are many natural and sustainable strategies you can use to shed those extra pounds and keep them off. Here are some of the best tips for losing weight in your 40s, 50s, and beyond.

Time to take a hard look at your diet 

Examining your diet is a fantastic starting point when it comes to crafting a healthy weight loss plan for those over 40. You may already think you have a pretty healthy diet, but with the various changes happening in your body, including hormone fluctuations and a slowing metabolism, some adjustments may be beneficial.

A well-balanced diet for weight loss and overall health should contain lean sources of protein, healthy fats, plenty of vegetables, and limited carbohydrates. It's best to reduce your intake of inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy, and fried items, and steer clear of refined sugar and processed foods. Even diet soda should be avoided because the artificial sweeteners and preservatives can disrupt hormonal balance and mess with your gut health.

Healthy fats, such as avocados, olive oil, fatty fish, and coconut oil, are excellent for brain and heart health, as well as disease prevention. They also help keep you feeling full for longer, reducing your chances of cravings or overeating.

Healthy sources of protein, such as grass-fed beef, organic chicken, and wild-caught fish, can assist in building muscle, balancing hormones, and promoting healthy weight loss.

Of course, filling up on fresh vegetables, particularly leafy greens, provides a wealth of vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial nutrients. Vegetable consumption can also aid in preventing sugar cravings.

Complex carbohydrates in reasonable portions, such as starchy vegetables, whole grains, and fruits, are healthy, but avoid refined carbohydrates and processed foods as much as possible.

So how to lose weight over 40?  Prioritize what you're putting into your body, and it's also wise to limit alcohol consumption. While the occasional glass of wine with dinner is acceptable, alcohol is a hidden source of both calories and sugar. It can also disrupt sleep and increase the chances of hot flashes.

healthy diet

Get your body moving more

Maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial if you want to shed excess weight and feel your best in your 40s and beyond. Aerobic exercise is highly effective in boosting your metabolism and reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, it can improve your mood and energy levels.

Fortunately, incorporating extra aerobic exercise into your daily routine doesn't have to mean spending more time at the gym. Taking a brisk walk during lunchtime or after dinner is an excellent way to get moving. You can also try biking, yoga, swimming, or even dancing around the house while doing chores.

It's important to be aware of your limits as you increase your aerobic exercise. Overdoing it can increase your risk of injury and may not be beneficial. Gradually work your way up and listen to your body. Consider working with a personal trainer to create a workout plan that suits your needs. Remember that any amount of physical activity is better than none!

scale and weights

Time to pump some iron and build some muscle

Incorporating muscle-building and strength-training exercises into your workout regimen is among the most effective and healthy ways to lose weight after the age of 40. Muscle loss is a common contributor to age-related weight gain, and building up muscle can help increase our metabolism, burn calories, promote bone health, and leave you feeling strong and energized.

Starting with light weightlifting, pilates, or resistance training, and gradually increasing intensity, can help prevent muscle loss and burn more calories at rest.

Make very effort to improve your sleep 

Establishing good sleep habits is crucial for how to lose weight over 40 and overall health, especially for us in peri or menopause. The hormonal fluctuations during perimenopause can cause disruptions in sleep patterns, leading to hot flashes, night sweats, and early awakenings. However, there are ways to counteract these challenges.

To begin with, avoiding sugar and caffeine in the afternoon and evening is beneficial. Additionally, reducing alcohol consumption can reduce the likelihood of shallow sleep and hot flashes. It's also advisable to limit the use of electronics before bedtime since their blue light can interfere with the hormone melatonin, which promotes restful sleep. Lastly, wearing comfortable, breathable sleepwear can significantly improve sleep quality.

woman relaxing in chair

Get a handle on your stress levels and prioritize YOU

With almost all of my clients, chronic stress is a common issue among women, with many experiencing some level of adrenal fatigue. This can lead to weight gain, especially around the belly area.  It's crucial to manage and reduce stress to achieve weight loss and improve overall well-being. You can try various stress-reducing activities such as meditation, yoga, journaling, or taking a relaxing bath. It's also essential to learn to say "no" when you're overwhelmed and prioritize self-care. Remember that this aspect is just as important as any other action you take, if not more.

In addition, being mindful of your self-image and your whole weight loss journey is crucial. Avoid obsessing over what you eat or the number on the scale. Instead, pay attention to your body and be kind to yourself. When experiencing cravings, take a moment to check in with yourself and determine if it's really about the food or another underlying issue.

If you feel that you already doing all over the above and are still asking how to lose weight over 40, consider contacting me and finding out about my weight loss programs, with most of my clients losing 8-12 lbs in the first 6 weeks.

As you embark on this journey, it's important to continue to treat yourself with kindness. Keep in mind that losing extra weight is about improving your overall health and well-being, not just changing your appearance. Be ready to let go of those extra pounds, experience an increase in energy, and feel amazing. This can be a truly wonderful time in your life if you allow it to be!

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