Hormone Rebalancing Diet Tips

Women over 40 lead stressful and busy lives, which can often take a toll on their health. When combined with poor dietary habits or inadequate nutrition, it's not surprising that metabolic and endocrine disorders are becoming more common among this demographic. Most women could use some hormone rebalancing diet tips before they turn to pharmaceutical medications.

Hormones, the body's chemical messengers, play a crucial role in women's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Their optimal functioning is necessary for the body to operate efficiently.

When hormones are imbalanced, women over 40 may experience irregular or absent menstrual cycles, sleep disturbances, brain fog, low energy, digestive issues, mood swings, weight gain, and other uncomfortable symptoms. Hormonal imbalances may also increase the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and chronic inflammation.

Maintaining a nutritious diet, engaging in daily exercise, and leading a healthy lifestyle can significantly improve hormonal health in women over 40. Below are seven simple dietary and lifestyle tips for you and a tangy, detoxifying recipe that can help support and rebalance your hormones.

hormone balancing foods

Women over 40 are stressed out!

Women over 40 lead stressful and busy lives - that’s an unfortunate but undeniable fact these days. Then, when you factor in a poor diet and/or lack of adequate nutrition, it’s no wonder that disorders of the metabolic and endocrine systems are becoming the new norm!

Your hormones - the body’s chemical messengers - are involved in every minute aspect of your physical and even mental & emotional health, and you need them in very specific amounts for your body to function efficiently.

When your hormones aren’t working optimally, then your body starts to show the signs. Hormonal imbalances may increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, chronic inflammation, and a multitude of other health problems.

“The healthy, hormonally balanced body continually manufactures all the hormones it needs to keep everything functioning.

It becomes unbalanced when subjected to inadequate supplies of nutrients, inordinate stress and toxic influences. Balance is the most central aspect in a woman’s health.”
~ Women in Balance Institute
https://womeninbalance.org/seventh-woman/do-you-have-a-hormone-imbalance/ }

Everything is connected in the endocrine system so hormones always impact one another as well. This means if your body is producing high levels of certain hormones like cortisol (the hormone of stress), then levels of other hormones will likely fluctuate in response - estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and thyroid hormones (T4 and T3), for example. Your body acts like a symphony with everything (ideally) working together. 

All too many doctors don't know any hormone rebalancing diet tips, they just prescribe hormones.

balanced diet

Signs of common hormonal imbalances

When an imbalance in hormone production occurs in the body, it can lead to the onset of the following signs and symptoms:

  • Irregular or absent menstrual periods
  • Infertility and a higher risk of miscarriage
  • Difficulty sleeping and insomnia
  • Reduced memory function and cognitive impairment
  • Chronic fatigue or low energy levels
  • Digestive disturbances
  • Mood swings, irritability, anxiety, or depression
  • Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
  • Dryness and irritation in the vaginal area
  • Decreased sex drive or lack of libido
  • Night sweats and hot flashes
  • Persistent food cravings and hunger
  • Changes in skin and hair, such as acne, dryness, thinning hair, and unexpected hair growth (e.g., on the face)
woman in warrior pose

Why your nutrition matters so much when it comes to your hormone balance.

As a woman over 40, it's crucial to ensure that your body has the necessary building blocks to produce hormones and maintain proper bodily functions. Obtaining these building blocks requires a balanced diet that is rich in essential nutrients.

For instance, cholesterol is a crucial component for producing sex hormones used in reproduction, and it is found in foods like whole-fat dairy, eggs, butter, and meat. However, it's important to note that the quality of these animal products also matters.

If you experience chronic stress or do not consume enough of the necessary raw materials in your diet, your body may prioritize producing stress hormones (especially cortisol) over sex hormones because the former is vital for survival, while the latter is not necessary for life-sustaining processes.

By consuming nutritious foods, engaging in regular exercise, and adopting a generally healthy lifestyle, you can support and enhance your hormonal health in the long run.

hormone balancing salad

7 hormone rebalancing diet tips you should start today

  1. To promote optimal health, ensure that you consume sufficient high-quality protein with EVERY meal, and aim to eat three main meals per day, plus up to two snacks.
  2. In order to reduce inflammation in the body, it is advisable to limit or avoid certain foods, such as sugar, refined carbohydrates, sugary drinks, gluten, hydrogenated oils, and especially trans fats.
  3. Incorporating healthy fats into your diet can be beneficial for overall well-being and hormonal balance.. Examples of such fats include fatty fish, whole eggs, olive oil, coconut oil, and avocados.
  4. To enhance digestive health, it's important to eat foods that are rich in natural plant fibers, but it's best to consume whole grains in moderation.
  5. Consuming probiotic-rich foods, such as fermented yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut, as well as prebiotic foods like bananas, artichokes, and chicory root, can help support a healthy gut microbiome.
  6. To maintain proper hydration, drink adequate water (at least half your bodyweight in ounces per day) and limit your intake of alcohol and caffeine.
  7. It is super beneficial to supplement your diet with vitamin D, especially during the darker winter months, to ensure that your body has adequate levels of this essential nutrient.

Since everyone is unique, and what works for some women does not necessarily work for all women, just begin with the hormone rebalancing diet tips laid out here and see if you feel any positive changes.

Hormone Balancing Sprout Shot

broccoli sprout shot glass

Did you know that broccoli sprouts have one of the highest concentrations of sulforaphane of any food? But what the heck is sulforaphane?! It’s best known for its anti-cancer properties but it’s also a powerful detoxer of bad estrogens. What an amazing, multi-tasking compound for women in their 40's and 50's!

Try my tangy blended Hormone Balancer Sprout Shot - brimming with this powerful component


½ cup broccoli sprouts

½ cup filtered water

2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice

½ tsp hemp oil - cold pressed, organic preferred

Pinch sea salt


Place everything in a high-speed blender and blend on high until mixture is beautifully bright green and all the sprouts are emulsified. Serve immediately.

The juice is best enjoyed fresh, and you could also incorporate your sprout shot into your fave smoothie - although it will certainly change the taste!

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