Health Benefits of Exercise

For women over 40, "Move more" has been a common health advice for decades. However, what does that even mean? What types of exercise count and how much is needed? Perhaps the more important question is, "What are the actual health benefits of exercise?"

In this article I aim to discuss the proven health advantages of exercise, which are plentiful. Additionally, if you engage in some hard core workouts and require a replenishing beverage for after your workout, I've included an excellent recipe for you at the bottom!

woman exercising

The Genuine Health Benefits of Exercise

Exercise isn't just about physical fitness; it can enhance your overall health and lifespan. It also becomes far more important as we get older. By engaging in regular daily exercise, you can improve your heart, brain, muscle and bone health, as well as manage diabetes and arthritis.

Moreover, it can reduce stress, uplift your mood, boost your energy, and promote better sleep. Exercise can even prevent death from any cause (known as "all cause mortality").

These advantages stem from improved blood flow, reduced inflammation in your body, and lower blood sugar levels. They also result from working out your muscles (including the heart muscle) which we start to lose with the aging process,  and strengthening your bones which is very important for women of menopause age.

Increasing your bone density as we get older is vital to prevent osteoporosis, shrinking (yes that's a thing) and fractures due to slips and falls.

Fortunately, you don't need to over-exert yourself to enjoy these incredible health benefits. As little as 30 minutes of moderate activity, five days per week, is adequate (but feel free to do more!)

And the good news is that you don't have to engage in any specific type of exercise; all four types of exercise offer health benefits, including endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. It's actually super beneficial to mix things up.

Remember that all movement counts, even if it's not done in a gym or part of a sport. Walking to the store, taking the stairs, dancing in the kitchen, tapping your feet, doing household chores, and taking weekend hikes all count towards your weekly exercise goal.

Let me take a moment to demonstrate just how healthy exercise can be. Here are some key points.

women walking outside

Exercise for your heart health

Regular exercise is linked to a reduction in cardiac mortality by 31% in middle-aged men who have experienced a heart attack.

Moreover, exercising regularly is proven to lower blood pressure in individuals with hypertension (high blood pressure)

Exercise for your brain health

Physical function and quality of life in individuals with Parkinson's disease can be improved through exercise. Additionally, exercise has been shown to minimize changes in the brain that are linked to Alzheimer's disease.

Furthermore, exercise enhances mental functions by elevating brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF is critical for learning and memory, and it even increases the size of the brain area responsible for these functions, known as the "hippocampus." This has been primarily observed with aerobic exercise.

Basically one of the health benefits of exercise is that we literally think better when we get our heart pumping on a regular basis.

woman balancing

Exercise for your muscle and bone health

Regular physical activity can help maintain strong muscles and bones; this is particularly true for strength training. The importance of resistance training for women can't be understated.  As we age, we naturally start to lose muscle mass and bone density. So, to prevent osteoporosis, exercise regularly.

PRO TIP: Don’t forget that balance exercises and Tai Chi can help prevent falls. Keeping your core strong will also naturally improve your balance.

Exercise for people with diabetes

People with diabetes who exercise have better insulin sensitivity and HbA1C values (the marker of glycemic control).

Exercise does this because by contracting your muscles, you’re fueling them with sugar in your blood. This helps to manage blood sugar levels much better than without exercise.

woman squatting in gym

For women over 40, these benefits are just the beginning of what exercise can do for your health. By engaging in just 30 minutes of physical activity for five days a week, you can significantly enhance your well-being.

As different types of exercises offer distinct advantages, it's a good idea to mix up your routine throughout the week. It's worth noting that you don't need an "official" workout; activities such as walking to the grocery store or doing household chores can also count.

If you're just starting out, pick something you enjoy and find some accountability, such as an exercise tracker or a workout buddy, and just get started moving more. Take the stairs, walk the dog, track your steps and keep adding more.  Our society sits too much - way too much. 

coconut water

Recipe (exercise recovery): Coconut Water Refresher

Serves 2

1 cup coconut water

2 cups watermelon

½ tsp lime juice

1 dash salt

1 cup ice

2 tbsp chia seeds (optional)


Blend the first four ingredients until well mixed. Add ice and pulse until ice is crushed.

Pour into glasses or water bottle and add chia seeds. Shake/stir before drinking.

Serve & enjoy!

Tip: The chia seeds add extra fiber, protein, and omega-3s.

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