The Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been the subject of numerous discussions lately, and it almost feels like a miraculous solution for all ailments! However, if you're a woman over 40 seeking reliable information about coconut oil, I encourage you to read my post on the benefits of coconut oil.

In this article, I'll reveal the truth about coconut oil and its potential benefits. Brace yourself, because not only should you consider joining the coconut oil bandwagon, but I'll also share three compelling reasons why it can aid you in your journey towards fat loss. As an added bonus, I have an incredible dessert recipe to share that I'm certain you'll absolutely adore!

healthy coconut oil

The Coconut Oil Craze - Should I Jump on the Bandwagon For The Benefits of Coconut Oil Too?

In a nutshell - yes you absolutely should! Let's dive into the world of coconut oil and uncover its health benefits.

Coconut oil is not your average fat. It contains the same caloric content of 9 calories per gram, just like any other fat. It is derived from the coconut's "meat" and appears as a solid at room temperature, but quickly transforms into a clear liquid on warmer days.

The purpose of incorporating coconut oil into your diet is not to increase your overall fat consumption, but rather to replace less healthy fats you may currently consume. The reason behind this lies in the fact that not all calories or fats are equal.

One unique feature of coconut oil is its composition of "Medium Chain Triglycerides" (MCTs), which make up approximately 65% of its fat content. What sets MCTs apart is how they are metabolized by your body. They are readily absorbed into the bloodstream through your gut, swiftly transported to the liver, and either utilized as fuel or converted into "ketones."

This distinctive metabolic process, specific to MCTs, is what sets coconut oil apart from other fats and contributes to the potential health benefits of coconut oil.

woman's waistline

Coconut Oil MCTs May Help With Fat Loss

Coconut oil's Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) offer several benefits when it comes to fat loss.

Firstly, consuming coconut oil can promote a sense of satiety or fullness, leading to a natural reduction in food intake. This can help you regulate your portions more effectively.

Secondly, due to their unique metabolic pathway, MCTs have the potential to increase calorie expenditure. Studies indicate that when compared to other fats, consuming coconut oil can result in a higher number of calories burned after a meal.

In fact, some research suggests that coconut oil may elevate calorie burning by up to 5%! One of the benefits of coconut oil for weight loss is the best in my opinion. 

Thirdly, certain studies have shown that incorporating coconut oil into your diet may contribute to a reduction in belly fat or waist circumference.

It's important to note that adding coconut oil to your diet should be done in conjunction with reducing other sources of fats and oils. Balancing your overall fat intake is key to achieving optimal results.

coconut oil

How much coconut oil should I eat?

Many of the studies that showed increased fullness, increased metabolism, and reduced belly fat only used about 2 tablespoons per day.

You probably don’t need any more than that.

What kind of coconut oil is the best?

With the abundance of coconut oil options available in grocery stores today, it can be challenging to determine which one is the best choice for you.

To make an informed decision, I recommend steering clear of "refined" coconut oils and opting for "virgin" coconut oil instead. Virgin coconut oil is processed at lower temperatures, avoiding the use of chemical solvents often employed in the refining process. This gentle processing helps to retain more of the oil's natural antioxidants, which contribute to its health-promoting properties.

Here's a valuable tip: Always avoid "hydrogenated" coconut oil. It contains unhealthy "trans fats" that can pose significant health risks.

Another factor to consider is the oil's "smoke point," which refers to the temperature at which it begins to break down and produce smoke. For virgin coconut oil, the smoke point is around 350°F (175°C). This means you can safely use it on the stovetop at low to medium heat settings and incorporate it into most baking recipes.

By selecting virgin coconut oil and being mindful of its smoke point, you can make the most of this versatile and healthy cooking ingredient.

coconut oil and coffee

In Conclusion:

Substitute some of the fat you eat with virgin coconut oil;  this may help you to lose weight and belly fat by naturally helping you to eat less, as well as slightly increasing your metabolism.

Oh, and it tastes great too!  Try my recipe!

healthy chocolate recipe

Recipe (Coconut Oil): Homemade Healthy Chocolate

Serves 12

⅓ cup coconut oil, melted

1 cup cocoa/cacao powder

4 tablespoons maple syrup

2 dashes salt

4 tablespoons slivered almonds

1. Melt coconut oil, and whisk in maple syrup, salt, and cocoa/cacao powder until smooth.

2. Stir in slivered almonds until evenly distributed.

3. Pour into an ice cube tray and freeze.

4. Store in fridge or freezer to avoid melting.

Serve & enjoy!

Tip: Substitute other seeds, chopped nuts, or dried fruit instead of the almonds if you wish.

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