Is my uterus falling out?

by Patricia
(Winnipeg, Canada)

My horror story of perimenopause

I was doing squats at the gym and my labia (oh my God, something you never say!) was feeling like sandpaper on my underwear. Or was my uterus falling out cause I was doing too many squats? It was dry, uncomfortable, and irritated me so much I had to go to the washroom to investigate.

My uterus was not falling out. I was just awfully uncomfortable, so much so that I called my family doctor from the gym and asked for a gyne consult.

I saw the nurse practitioner the following week and they sent me to a most wonderful Gynecologist (OBGYN) who reassured me my uterus was not falling out and I was experiencing vaginal dryness, a symptom of menopause.

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Mar 19, 2023
Oh my gosh!
by: Kimberley

That would absolutely have me running to the gyno also! I'm very happy your uterus was not falling out. I feel like there really isn't enough discussion on all the things women go through!

Vaginal dryness can affect women at any age, but it is especially common during menopause. Studies suggest that supplements like vitamin E, vitamin D, sea buckthorn oil, hyaluronic acid, fish oil, and DHEA could help increase vaginal lubrication.

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