Help Going Dairy Free (and recipes to make it easier!)

For women who may be lactose intolerant and are seeking healthy recipes and dairy substitutions, I have some valuable insights to share to help going dairy free.

First and foremost, it's important to know that dairy is not an essential nutrient, and there are alternative options available. Whether you have difficulty consuming dairy, choose not to include it in your diet, want to reduce your intake, or simply want to explore new recipes, this post is tailored to your needs.

I have curated a collection of delightful dairy-free substitutes that I personally love. From milk and butter alternatives to parmesan substitutes, and even recipes for dairy-free pudding and ice cream, I've got you covered. The best part is, you don't necessarily have to rely on store-bought options; I've included simple recipes that you can easily prepare in your own kitchen.

This post is brimming with mouthwatering mini-recipes for you to try. And as a special treat, I've included a fantastic dairy-free ice cream dessert below. Consider it my gift to you for help going dairy free!

dairy free

Need Help Going Dairy Free? Here are 6 Great Substitutes

If you're currently exploring or considering a dairy-free lifestyle, you've come to the right place. Whether you have a dairy intolerance, have been advised to eliminate dairy, or simply wish to reduce your dairy consumption, I'm here to support you.

It's important to remember that dairy is not an essential nutrient, and there are plenty of alternatives available. This goes beyond just milk – you can find substitutes for yogurt, butter, parmesan, pudding, and even ice cream!

The market for dairy-free products has significantly expanded, making them more accessible than ever. However, it's crucial to be mindful of what you choose. Take a moment to read the labels as some products may contain excessive amounts of sugar or other ingredients that you may prefer to avoid.

To assist you in your dairy-free journey, I've curated a collection of simple and delightful recipes that you can easily prepare right in your own kitchen. These recipes will allow you to enjoy delicious dairy-free alternatives without compromising on taste or quality.

Feel free to give my dairy substitutes a try and savor the goodness of dairy-free living!

dairy free nutmilk

Delicious dairy-free milk

Dairy-free milk is so easy to make and flavour yourself. You can make milk out of just about any nut or seed. You can even make alternative milk out of grains like rice, oats, or quinoa. And you can flavour them too.

It just takes a high-powered blender, some water, and cheesecloth to filter out any remaining bits.

For flavouring, you can add a pinch of cinnamon, cardamom, or vanilla extract. You can also sweeten your milk with soaked dates, maple syrup, or honey.

To make a super-simple dairy-free milk just soak ½ cup of almonds, coconut, or even hemp seeds for a few hours (if you have the time). Soaking is optional, but it makes the blending process easier and the final milk creamier. Then drain the soaking water, rinse, and add to a blender with 2 cups of fresh water. Blend on high until smooth (about 1 minute). Add your flavourings, if desired. Then strain through a nut milk bag, fine mesh strainer, or a few layers of cheesecloth.

If you want to make a dairy-free cream, just blend your nuts, seeds and/or grains with 1 cup of water instead of 2 for a thicker, creamier, dairy-free milk.

dairy free yogurt

Delicious dairy-free yogurt

Technically, with the right yogurt starter probiotic culture, you can make yogurt out of any dairy-free milk. The most common one to ferment into yogurt is coconut milk. But you can use almond milk or other nut or seed milk.

The trick here is with the fermentation. Follow the instructions on the label of the yogurt starter culture, and enjoy delicious dairy-free yogurt in a few days.

Delicious dairy-free butter alternatives

Nut and seed butter is a fabulous substitute for dairy butter. Plus, they have the bonus of fibre, protein, and other nutrients that real butter doesn't have.

Have you tried coconut oil? It’s a great dairy-free substitute for butter. You can fry with it, or even bake with it. You can even use it to pop popping corn in a pot on your stove.

I love the mild flavour of coconut oil in anything I bake with bananas. It tastes better than butter anyway.

nutritional yeast

Delicious dairy-free parmesan

If you haven’t tried nutritional yeast, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much it tastes like grated parmesan. Plus, it contains some B vitamins as well.

It’s a salty, cheesy, flaky powder that you can use wherever you want to add a pop of savoury flavour to any dish.

TIP: After you've popped your popcorn, sprinkle it with a bit of nutritional yeast for a salty, cheesy flavour.

dairy free pudding

Delicious dairy-free puddings

Did you know you can make a delicious and thick pudding without dairy? That's right; the plant kingdom has some natural thickeners that are full of fibre.

You can make a chocolate pudding with avocado. Take one whole avocado and blend it up with ¼ cup cocoa powder, ¼ cup dairy-free milk, 1 tsp vanilla extract, and honey or maple syrup to taste. Then add dairy-free milk to thin if desired.

For chocolate chia pudding, use ⅓ cup chia seeds and place in food processor with 1.5 cups dairy-free milk. Wait for 5-10 minutes until the seeds soak up the liquid. Then add ¼ cup cocoa powder, tsp vanilla extract, and honey or maple syrup to taste. Blend into a smooth pudding.

dairy free ice cream

Delicious dairy-free ice cream

N’ice cream is another delicious dessert made with frozen bananas. I’ve included the recipe for this below.

Conclusion For Help Going Dairy Free...

Dairy-free is easy! Making delicious dairy-free yogurt, milk, butter, parmesan flavour, and even pudding and ice cream is simple.

Are you going to try any of these recipes? Do you have a great one to share as well?

Let me know!

Recipe (dairy-free): Chocolate Almond N'ice Cream

Serves 2

2 bananas, chopped and frozen

1 tbsp cocoa powder, unsweetened

2 tbsp almond butter, unsweetened


1 - Add chopped frozen bananas to a food processor. Pulse or lightly blend until almost smooth.

2 - Add cocoa powder and nut butter. Pulse or lightly blend until mixed.

Serve immediately & enjoy!

Tip: Try different nut and/or seed butter. Or instead of cocoa powder and/or seed butter, use just the bananas with a ½ cup of frozen berries. The recipe combinations are endless.

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