Everything changed when I turned 47.

by Kim

Everything changed when I turned 47.

My period would vanish for months and then return with a vengeance. I broke out in the ugliest cystic acne that was super painful and kept getting worse day by day no matter what I tried. (Right when I was launching my business online and had to take photos of myself -ugh). I literally looked like a meth addict and I was miserable.

That was almost immediately followed by hot flashes at night, night sweats, nightmares and heart palpitations. My doctor immediately told me I needed to go on hormone replacement and that I would need to be on both estrogen and progesterone as my uterus is still intact. I said no - let me try and solve this on my own first.

Then - more fun - at the end of February I developed this weird allergic reaction - congestion, and sneezing for literally hours every morning usually spilling my coffee repeatedly. It would return at 930pm as well. I started taking an antihistamine for the first time in my life and could not for the life of me figure out what the hell I was allergic to. (Antihistamines make you gain weight BTW - I also did not know that.) This is also a symptom of perimenopause for some women. Who knew.

And then the best fun - putting on weight, bloating and food sensitivities which I have never had in my life. I would wake up with a flat stomach and by 8pm I looked like I was 6 months pregnant!

Long story short, after being a personal trainer for almost 19 years, having a healthy diet, my body went completely haywire and I imagine it's not done throwing curveballs at me. But...I do NOT give up. EVER.

Women who are over 40 are basically written off by both society and mother nature.

I'd love to know what age you were when things started to change for you, and what symptoms you've experienced.

All your input will help me to know how I can best help.

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