Female Fat Loss Over 40
 Alpha Female Training

Fat loss over 40 is an ongoing struggle for many women. Here at Alpha Female Training, I offer comprehensive online programs for fitness and nutrition and natural hormonal balance, specializing in  fat loss over 40 for women, and I'm so glad you're here. 

This website is exclusively for women going through the rollercoaster ride that is perimenopause, menopause or post-menopause, who are battling their hormonal changes and weight gain and want to get strong, lean and confident again. 

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    When I became a certified personal trainer way back in 2005 I noticed that many of my female clients over 40 were struggling with the same issues - primarily fat loss over 40.  They all had expanding waistlines and less energy and most told me "just wait until you're my age".  So many years ago I set out to discover why female fat loss over 40 seemed to be so difficult.

    This website is a massive compilation of everything I have learned over the last 18 years when it comes to women specifically.  Specifically I have studied extensively on gut health, hormonal imbalances, proper nutrition and the best diet for over 40 women. I feel that our age dynamic is very under-represented and that the medical field ( and sometimes mother nature!) has written us off as we are no longer of child-bearing years.

    before and after

    Redefining Fitness and Fat Loss Over 40

    Having an online fitness trainer is like having your own personal trainer in your back pocket at all times.  I know it can be difficult to find the motivation to work out and I know how insanely complicated figuring out proper nutrition is - especially when you are a woman over 40 when nothing seems to work anymore! 

    You can see all the programs and resources I offer here.

    My goal for this website is to help educate you on perimenopause, menopause and hormonal changes and related issues, solve your more pressing body image issues by helping you to lose belly fat fast,(!!) and teach you everything that you need to know about weight training for women

    Female fat loss over 40 is NOT impossible. I know first hand how frustrating it can be when it feels like your body is working against you, you're tired and moody, you are putting on body fat around your stomach even though you're not necessarily overeating and then you go online to try and find some answers and are absolutely overwhelmed by all the fad diets and quick fixes that you hope will work for you.  Maybe you've tried and failed many times, or lost some weight only to have it all come back.  

    Women's health and fitness is best understood by a woman for women. I have been a personal trainer for over 18 years now and have logged over 23000 hours of one on one training.  And while in person I can train pretty much anyone, when I decided to become a certified online fitness trainer and a holistic nutritionist, it was with one goal in mind - to coach other  women over 40 to become strong, lean and confident again. How to lose the belly fat fast, to become more knowledgable about how their bodies work on all levels from a holistic standpoint , and not just a one size fits all cookie cutter plan. 

    Your nutrition, your sleep quality, your stress and cortisol levels and your personal fitness all play very important roles when it comes to successful female fat loss over 40.

    Kimberley Lowe Inside Fitness

    If you are looking for specific information you can access my all pages site map here and drill down for what you're looking for.  Alternatively you can ask me anything below and I will either direct you to a page that answers your question or I will answer you personally on the website. 

    Ask Me Anything On Weight Loss, Hormones, Gut Health and Fitness

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    So what does an online fitness trainer do exactly ?

    Having a fitness trainer online is the BEST for you to reach YOUR  fat loss over 40 goals.  After 18 years in the fitness industry, competing in figure competitions after I was 40 years old and after having 4 children , the last of whom were twins, I can confidently say that I know a thing or two about women's health and fitness and I know that I can help you. 

    I'm 50 years old now.  It's tougher - I get it.  But armed with the right nutrition and an online fitness trainer to guide you and literally show you the road map back to getting your strong, lean and sexy self back into your favorite jeans and your little black dress.

    Kimberley Lowe post comp

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